Metaphysical Abilities Affirmation / Merkaba Field Generation / by Alex Austin

For decades now I practiced to do this. I can send and receive telepathic communications with people at long distances. If I open myself up I can receive transmissions of thought from many sources. My higher self, passed away loved ones, ascended masters, animals, trees, people, spirits. All of the above. If I become one with the present moment I can sense the different transmissions around me and hone in on the ones that interest me. 

You are receiving these transmissions. From them you know this.

Here is a practice I have developed. I know from the shamans how to generate energy for healing work and manifestation or any feat imagined. Think metaphysically. Be an energy worker. Know that you are one of many everywhere. Your energy work adds to the energy work of all other energy workers. Those of similar frequencies form connections across the cosmos and on the planet. They aid to the cause even if they have unique signatures and gifts. They are all essentially raising the vibrational frequency in their own way. They weave together a fabric of greater energy frequency that builds and builds. Like a network that you can be cognizant of to contribute to and receive anything from. 

Grounding and Merkaba Field Generation


So here goes. The method is this. First I ground my self to the Earth and Sun. Feel their loving energy filling me up. From the ground through my feet. I visualize it traveling up my legs to my core. See it lighting up each chakra. Red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, ocean blue at the third eye, royal blue, and violet at the crown. Remove any blockages along the spine. Get assistance from the spirit world. If you can be cognizant or the energy generating from your hand heart chakras and move your hands up along your body towards your head continuing our from your body and down close to your body again in a circular three dimensional path creating a donut shaped torsion field that is continuing the grounding energy supporting your chakra alignment. This is what qigong practitioners do. You may have a kundalini experience where you feel a conscious connection with all that is along with a sensation of bliss and being loved and understood completely.

At this point I generate a merkaba field. Once the other steps are done I can proceed. I rub my hands together and visualize that I am emitting a ball of energy between them. I hold my left hand on top of the ball facing down and right holding the ball of energy from below. With my left hand on top I tap my fingers together towards the palm of my hands twelve times. I rotate the ball so my right hand is on top. I tap my right fingers twelve times. Know that inside that energy ball is a sacred geometric merkaba. The first time you tapped your fingers, know that you activated the first pyramid inside the merkaba to rotate it at the perfect rotation rate and vibration rate for the most efficient infinite energy production possible (limited only by thought). The second finger taps activated the other pyramid to rotate in harmony with the other in the most efficient infinite energy production possible. The benevolent ascended masters that understand the inner workings of sacred geometry and the merkaba are guiding you and assisting the perfect harmony in this merkaba. Know that you are being assisted. Now hold the ball of energy with your hands on the sides of it. Move the ball in the circular motion up your spine and out a few times like you did before. Now hold the ball before you. What do you want to do now? It’s your choice. I often next visualize the infinite creation energy coursing through this merkaba like a focused lens. I think about simply emitting a burst of 5D high vibrational healing energy that can comfort and raise the vibrations of all effected exponentially as it pulses out from me. My ball of energy is fueled by the merkaba growing exponentially from the size of a bowling ball that eventually engulfs the planet and beyond, touching everything with healing energy and possibility. It is wrapped in unconditional love and pure intention. At some point it adds to the grid that all the other light workers are adding to. Infinite power with purity is incorruptible. Say this three times at any time that you want to purify the frequency: “I am one with the Christ consciousness”. Your purity is verified. You can proceed without limits if the purity of your intention is verified. Adding a chant or a vocal vibration to the generated intentional frequency helps strengthen the frequency while making it more useful to access by others receiving in the spirit realm. Think of it as a stamp of identification and information to download within the frequency that others can easily access anytime in the astral dimension or the Akashic records. I often use “Om mani padme hum” plus whatever vocal sounds feels right to add. “Om mani padme hum” translates to “enlightenment/I see beyond the illusions of this reality”. This adds this state-of-being concept of intention to the frequency literally. Which is part on my designed intention. The Sanskrit words are ancient and powerful. They add value and strengthen the action. 

Next write all the other ideas of what you want to manifest the next time you practice this energy work method. It all happens as it will. Thank you universe. My benefactor. My family. Infinite love and gratitude to all that I’m connected to which is everything. Om mani padme hum. 
