Kundalini Experience Takeaways / by Alex Austin

When I think of creatures in the animal and plant kingdom now, I think very differently of them than I used to. I no longer think of them as lower creatures. No matter their size I instinctively feel like they are my equals in certain respects. Just because they don’t speak human vocal languages doesn’t mean they don’t deserve our respect. I’ve known they communicate telepathically for decades, and that if I try, communication is possible. But now something has changed. For even arachnids and insects (that used to freak me out) I now feel empathy for. Now I am more thoughtful and polite to them because now I have a confident sense that I have at least one time or another lived an incarnation of every living creature I can imagine. Now I have this feeling that I have once lived in the shoes so-to-speak of everything. From the least advanced to the most advanced creatures. Since all time (past, present and future) exists right now, I know that infinite future incarnations are connected to my consciousness as are my past incarnations. I can feel them. I can feel their wisdom open to me. This is a gift of the kundalini experience. I feel a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood with all living creatures. Like I have been there. I want to give all a creatures a nod, wink and a high five for knowing what their struggle is like. Mindful compassion fills me often. This doesn’t mean I will swear off eating anything that has lived (animal or vegetable). I would starve. I think to respect the sacrifice of your meal is in order (animal or vegetable) as the Native American people have done in history. Cruelty can be abandoned. I think to treat even life that you will consume with dignity is the way. Gratitude to the life that continues life is deserved. A symbiotic harmony can be achieved somehow. The life force of that vessel is eternal and will return in a natural cycle. As Tibet was such a harsh place to live, they would hold newborn babies in the freezing rivers to weed out the weak bodied and prevent suffering as they knew they would return soon. It was a societal practice of mercy. Not only do I feel a connection to all that is, I feel a connection to the confident feeling that I am one with the creator/source energy, and that part of my consciousness that is not my conscious ego self is the creator of my reality. I have started a conscious rapport with that part of myself, and have learned what in my life to leave up to that part of myself to manage. Dream the dream. With my ego I can hold intention, but release the details of the results. My ego has limits, but higher self does not. Let your higher self guide you, and do most of the heavy lifting. Contemplate, imagine, receive and let go. Go inward and connect to spirit. Your needs, desires and questions will be answered. Om mani padme hum. 
