Incarnation Integration/Expanding Sense of Identity / by Alex Austin

Eternal Consciousness 

“During the sleep of the physical body, an undeveloped man leads a dreamy, vague existence, in his relatively primitive astral body, remembering little or nothing of this sleep-life when he re-awakens in his physical body. In the case of a developed man, however, the life in the astral body, whilst in the physical body is wrapped in slumber, is active, interesting and useful, and the memory of it may, under certain conditions, be brought down into the physical brain. The life of such a man ceases to be a series of days of consciousness and nights of oblivion, becoming instead a continuous life of unbroken consciousness, alternating between the physical and astral planes or worlds.” —A. E. Powell (The Astral Body)

As the days have been progressing, a stronger understanding has been remaining during my waking hours. While my body sleeps, I’m remaining conscious of my time in the astral plane every night now. I’m retaining my memories of my lessons and interactions in the astral realm. This used to happen only periodically in the past. Now it is the norm. One of the goals before conscious astral projection is to raise the frequency vibration of the physical body first, to avert a shock when you return. If your body and astral self are of a harmonious frequency to each other during reintegration, you can retain your memories of experiences in the astral. I must be maintaining a consistently higher vibration in my physical body if this is occurring every morning. 

In the astral I interact with a wide range of individuals. People I know, people I don’t know (or remember), people I knew who are visiting from across the veil of life, ascended masters, other versions of myself, entities that no longer have any physical form, and some are clearly not of an Earthly origin. I like to check in with friends in the physical plane after seeing them in the astral. Many times they also remember what we did in the astral. This validation helps me, and helps them realize what they think are dreams are much more than that. 

Incarnation Integration 

So last week in the astral I attended a meeting with some very highly evolved consciousnesses. There was some formality and structure that was clearly only present and formed for my benefit. I was given a badge to wear. I couldn’t make out what the characters on it indicated. It seemed to indicate a great honor. One of them asked me why I thought I earned that particular badge. The reason I guessed at tugged at a thread of the memories of another incarnation or more for me. I was flooded with a sense of who I was that was much more than what I normally carry with me.

The wisdom of epic lifetimes filled me. I felt enriched with a self awareness that I once knew, but haven’t been aware of during this lifetime. I was among others who knew me then. I could feel their reverence, awe, pride, and love for me. It filled me so much. To be so truly aware how awesome I really am was ironically humbling. It also cemented something I have previously felt. I felt some of recent use and instinctive understanding of sacred geometry that I use during meditation and energy work is something I was very talented with before. Also the grand confident scale of intentions and imagination seems to come from my previous talents. 

Many years ago I had very large memories surface of other incarnations. One thing that surfaced a couple years ago was sense of at least one time if not more of existing as formless consciousness. It was a familiar feeling to just be (without form). I’ve recalled living as a Mayan. I’ve had a strong sense of incarnations from even the lowest forms of life when amongst trees, rocks, soil, bugs, and lower animals. Part of my sense of connection to all the elements in nature is being able to relate to once having been all those forms. It raises my compassion for all the lower forms. I know even the lowest elements to the highest have some form of consciousness.

Even inanimate objects have consciousness within their forms. Have you ever had a vehicle or something that you owned that felt friendly or temperamental? Have you ever had a printer or something like that that verbally berated, then had it seemingly rebel against you? As consciousness evolves it steadily rises to the next step of evolution. There’s no regression in reincarnation. Be it slow or fast, there is alway progression.  

Gifts of Kundalini Awareness 

During my many kundalini experiences I felt a conscious connection with all that is. I felt I was one with source creator and all living beings. I felt complete bliss, unconditional love, and all knowing. I knew all was is as should be. There is a divine order. It is a gift to be a part of it all. I feel like that feeling may be close to what others feel when they cross over to the afterlife. I was part of a unity consciousness. All secrets were at my disposal to know. Everyone has their chosen role to play. Even the dark actors work in service to the light ultimately. Most of our catalysts for change come in scary packages. They help us along our way. 

Oscillation of Devolution and Evolution 

We are in the evolution oscillation. First there was devolution. All that is was one. In matter and in spirit. Devolution began with the Big Bang. When that oscillation completed its course, evolution began. Evolution is a returning to union with unity consciousness. A return to a conscious connection with all-that-is (AKA God). As we evolve spiritually, our conscious connection with all-that-is (God) returns. 

My identity is but a wave upon a vast ocean. I can hold onto that identity as long as I desire. I can relinquish it as well. There is nothing to fear. Within the absence of fear there is infinite love. Towards oneself and all others. To love one is to love all. To injure one is to injure all. Imagine even being capable of harming others with this awareness. It’s almost impossible. All you want to do is take care of all creatures. 



Definition: noun The transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration.

Time and Space/Unity Consciousness 

Our linear perspective of time is ultimately an illusion. Trees and higher dimensional beings have taught me this. All time (past and present) is occurring now in the present moment. So not only are all events in our lives occurring concurrently, all our incarnations are occurring concurrently as well. We may also have other simultaneous incarnations of ourselves that were are interacting with during this incarnation. Along the network of our over souls and soul groups, we all ultimately string together back to source creator.

Even if we are interacting with someone who isn’t a closer part of our soul group ultimately we are all connected to and a part of source creator. We are each a different aspect of source. With this awareness we can be cured of the madness that accompanies the illusion of separation. A kindness to you is a kindness to me. 

If all is occurring within this present moment doesn’t that take some sting out of difficult situations that we may be facing? To know that our very perception of time is an illusion and a symptom of residing on this planet. Further still within this now moment we can connect with any part of time by going inward. We can heal, alter, or choose timelines that we want to manifest. 


Abolish fear within yourself. The Tibetans had a saying: ‘fear no man or deed’. Anything we fear is only fueled by the existence of that fear within us. That which I resist persists. This understanding will allow you to manifest unhindered. I don’t need to convince others of this. I can just be. If I offer resistance I resist myself. Surrender is victory. Be like water. Be with open heart. Listen to your body. If you feel resistance arise within, ask yourself why. Whatever feelings arise let yourself feel them completely. Let the lessons and takeaways sink in. Feeling each hidden feelings underneath each trigger will lighten our load and clear us to raise our vibrational frequency higher and higher. 

Intuition/Developing Claircognizance 

All is vibration. Feel for the information within each vibration. It’s the easiest way to vet any vibration coming from anywhere. Learn to trust your intuition. There’s a reason we say ‘gut’ feeling. Sense how your innards feel about something. Are they tied up, tense, or do they feel at ease about something. That’s where are intuition strongest resides in our bodies. Just practicing being in tune with how we feel in that part of our body will allow us feel what our intuition is telling us. Do gut-checks often.
