Allow your higher self to come in / by Alex Austin

Meditation note

We are consciously merging with our higher selves. As we do so there is the part where we surrender the ego self’s hold of our consciousness. The ego is not to be judged or punished for any of its past. We wrestle the steering wheel from the clutching fingers of ego. We surrender. Then more of all of who we truly and eternally are can come in and guide us. This is one of the benefits of surrender. You give yourself a chance for your higher self to come forward. Your higher self knows more, sees more, remembers more, heals more, loves more. 


My higher self guided me to do the following. 

Take feet out of creek. Get comfortable on a rock. Start qigong technique. Sit and do box breathing technique for awhile. Separate hands and form ball of energy between hand heart chakras. Chant Om three times to set the frequency high. Activate the Merkaba field in the ball of energy. Move the Merkaba field up my chakra system. This synced my frequency with that of the Merkaba field. I am one with the Christ consciousness. Feel your body. Wherever there is tension release it. Get comfortable so you can completely relax everything. Surrender. Let go. Not only the body, but everything else too. Above so below. Surrender. What comes in? Now that you’re connected with spirit how do you feel? What do you feel?

I allowed myself to be myself. Every aspect of myself. I looked upon every aspect of myself with love and compassion. I saw ways to comfort, support and love myself. I gave myself permission to receive abundance from the universe. I gave myself a nod to imagine every good thing I would like to see happen in my life. In a near perfect world setting. What gifts would I allow myself to receive? I am worthy of blessings. We all are. If you could gift yourself anything and everything without limits, what would you dream about? Dream big now. We all deserve it. Give yourself permission to receive the highest things. I now send all of this to everyone else. May you all feel this frequency of self love. Release and love yourself, and all that is too. There is no separation. We are all one. I am so grateful. 

I pictured everything I could imagine if everything I wanted effortlessly fell towards me in life. And I held the okayness for me to have it all. Just as you would a precious loved one. Lead by example. Show how it’s done. Just be.