Channeling spirit guides — Heart centered healing / by Alex Austin

I’ve been channeling for a few years now. Largely the content in all my published meditation notes has been channeled information. This is my first video recording of me channeling my spirit guides. You gotta start somewhere right? I hope you enjoy this video.  The transcription of it is below the video.

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My first ever video recording of me channeling my spirit guides


We love you. We love you. We love you.

We are so proud of you. We are so proud of how far you have come. You are seeing things that really matter. New worlds are opening up before you. New paths you never saw before. New ways of looking at things you never saw before. Haha. We can see that you enjoy this. You’re starting to see the fun.

As you see these new pathways open up. These new ways of doing things. To surrender is very a big part of the key. Focusing solely on energetics, and removing the things that cloud your mind. Removing the things that disrupt your frequency. Then you are allowing in the things that elevate your frequency. You’re seeing new ways of doing things. Certain inclinations are coming up. You want to follow new ways of doing things. Your mind is open to thinking about new ways of doing things. You are not afraid of failure. You’ve let down so many barriers now. Fear of being judged for your creations is released. Now you are rolling up your sleeves. With excitement for this new reality that you are going to create. You see now how it works. Or at least into a higher facet of how it works. There is much more to learn. But you are learning. You are learning a lot right now.

We’re so proud of you. You have such a big heart. You are operating with that heart with a very very high capacity, and it is sorting out all the things in your life. Your choices. Your frequency. The nature of what you want to put out in the world is a part of that heart. To be one with the heart centered space, conflict just dissolves, and solutions arise. Haha. Oh do they arise. Just become heart centered. Just live in that frequency and see what bubbles up out of you. Out of your thoughts. Out of your actions. Out of your heart. Just see what bubbles out of you. Mmm. It is glorious. There are so many to love. So many to help. So many to give a smile to. So many are struggling. So many deserve compassion. You deserve compassion. All deserve compassion.

If it is hard to offer compassion, release your judgement, and just love. And then get back to living, working, and breathing in the heart centered space. Let your heart guide your inner creations. Draw things, design things out of love. Pour love into everything you do. If you’re preparing food for yourself or others, pour love into it. If you’re exercising, pour love into it. If you’re sleeping, pour love into it. Pour love into yourself at all times, and to all others. You will see the more you do this the more you will do this. Pretty soon there won’t be a you that doesn’t do this. This will be your new reset mode. Of love. You can just remain on that frequency as long as you want. You will love being there so much, you won’t want to leave. So much less you will want to entertain with your time thoughts that will take you out of the love vibration. It is okay to remove those distractors. Anything. Because frequency is everything. Frequency is everything.

Let go of everything else. Think about something that is bothering you. Now don’t. Release it. Release it. Release it. Sometimes you will have to sit down with a whole bunch of things that you need to release. You’ll need to be very cognizant with your mind and your heart, and think of every little thing that is tied up in your system. Every little doubt, worry, fear, pain, regret. You need to forgive them all. Forgive them all. Forgive them all. Feel the feelings. Release the feelings.

You learning something recently. A new way of looking at things. When you focus above your heart chakra where your soul lies, ask your soul to give you a hug. Feel your soul giving you a hug right now. It’s the most satisfying hug you ever received or wanted. Anything that hurts still gets cried away. And you are embraced in this soul hug. From your soul. From your higher self to the rest of you. To all the rest of you that is. To the part of you that needs that hug. It’s the best hug you were waiting for. You can breathe easier now. Now how do you feel about using the love frequency? You just received so much love. From yourself. From the universe.

And there is infinite, infinite, infinite energy love medicine within the Merkaba field you just generated and are holding in between your hand heart chakras now. You have access to infinite, infinite healing energy to distribute to all that is. Back to everyone. To send out this note of healing love, of healing light. This energy pulse emitting from this energy frequency you’re sending out is powered with infinite, infinite, infinite, source creator love energy. It is powerful. You are a conduit. Your body energy stores will remain constant and being completely supplied with all that you need. While you channel the infinite energies from all around you to all.

When a note is played it can be joined. Others in the band can start to sing to that tune, that note too. Sing your vibration note of love Alex. As strongly as you do. It is very strong. We are impressed. So many of us can see what you do. And you are a fine example to others. We are impressed. Just keep playing your note of love. On some level all will feel it. Many do not feel it on the conscious level. But on the subconscious level, on their other levels of consciousness they feel it. Where is this coming from? Why do I feel like this? You are helping. Others are helping just like you all over the planet. And more will join you. We thank you for your service. We’re so happy that you found this frequency. This love. You are playing with it so well. Haha. What you are doing is definitely a characterization of the love you are a part of. You can see the love and play in what you do. Haha. Gosh, your freedom and imagination are something to behold. We love it. We love it. Haha. Oh. Keep doing you. Keep growing. You are. You’ve made big strides recently. You have gone through some very very difficult things. And you went through them very graciously. We are impressed. Keep shining your light. You and everyone there are rockstars. Just enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.

We love you. We love you. We love you.