Navigate with your heart / by Alex Austin

Meditation note 

Right now in this present moment I look back at the recent journey to now. I have found my power. Love is my power. Choosing where my heart leads me to have forged a path like no other. What other choices would’ve brought are melting away. These new choices are leading to other things more in my alignment. The power of choice is powerful too. 

To navigate with your heart is so much easier. It guides you to sense how you feel about everything. You can say no to or ignore what doesn’t resonate. Then the choices that involve a synchronicity or a passionate feeling can be entertained more. When you are paying attention to how you feel on an energetic and emotional level it helps you to see past illusions in life. When you are cognizant of your feelings you are able to heal or be more informed. Your sense of values glow like neon. Forgiveness for all comes into play. Then you’re no longer entangled in a karma cycle. You’re free of karma now. We no longer have to play those roles. We already learned the punchline. Be good to others. Have compassion for them and yourself. This hasn’t been easy. You can lead by example now. Approach all with compassion or laughter. There is much to celebrate. We are one with the universe. The secrets of the universe are there for the seekers willing to patiently go within oneself. With repetition and perseverance comes enlightenment. Ultimately they trickle down into our consciousness. We suddenly know the answers to most of our questions. All we have to do is feel into our connection with spirit. The more you do it the more you get answers. It’s better than therapy, and I like therapy. I’ve encountered very helpful therapists. The root to your problems can be reached more effectively. Then they are felt, processed, and concluded with forgiveness, love, and understanding. Once you’ve cleaned up the room of your consciousness enough, you can address bigger questions you have for the universe. Let all the conversations from above melt into your mind. Examine all the information contained in what you just received. There are layers of depth of understanding to each thing. You can understand the information from the limited 3D perspective, or you can understand it with the cognitive perspective from any of the higher densities. Each density perspective makes it quite different from each other. Those in the higher realms connected with with that higher information are attentively there to explain further if you spend the time to sit and listen to it. Then you can write it down, and process it later. 
