Consciousness Rising / by Alex Austin

It’s June 11, 2020. I am so blissed out right now. I feel so high right now. No drugs were taken. No intoxicants were taken. I think I just experienced an 11:11 portal, or experienced an opening of some kind of a portal of unimaginable infinite energy. It felt similar to how I felt during the mass meditation on April 4th.

I had a kundalini experience. I was connected to the all that is, and received lots of energy and information.

This morning I just returned home from a trip to the pharmacy. I looked at an email on my phone from a channeler I follow on social media. The words resonated with me. As I pondered them all of a sudden I felt this strong energy like electricity pulsing through my head and body. I could see the energy too. Blue and white. I thought ‘This is interesting’. I went outside and lovingly watered all our plants in our gardens, pet our dog, started doing qigong, grounding, merkaba field generation, and energy grid work. Read about that meditation technique here.

Then that same energy came back on so strong. I could feel it throughout my body. I could see it in my mind’s eye. It felt good. It was very high vibrational energy. It had so much love, guidance, confidence, wisdom, and eternal infinite assistance. I felt so loved and supported. I felt I like I could move mountains. Like I could will anything to happen. Like nothing could stop me. I passed all that infinite love, energy and wisdom into the Earth and to all upon her. My role is to do just that. To aid the healing of Earth and to raise consciousness of those around me. Not by speaking to them and making them think something. It is accomplished by achieving a particular vibration and sending it out like a radio station. That’s how I am assisted by my spirit guides, and that’s how I assist others. I couldn’t feel more bliss than I do now. When you strip away all that isn’t truly us, what you have left is love. That is who we are. That is our true identity. It’s the only thing that feels right. Everything else is an awkward fit. Nothing feels as good as an act of love to another. Love your neighbor (whoever is nearby) and that is who you truly are. Om mani padme hum. We love you. We love you. We love you. 
