Beyond the Veils of Illusion / by Alex Austin

If you are a seeker of truths or want to understand what’s beyond the veils of illusion there are many paths to achieve this. 

One thread to pull on is: ask yourself “Why does the placebo effect work?” Answer: You are infinite eternal consciousness, and your thoughts shape and create your reality. Taught belief systems act like corrals that limit our thoughts and potential. If we effectively remove doubts from our convictions we become limitless. And half measures will avail you nothing. It takes incredible amounts of practice. Think of all the belief systems that have been engrained in you and reinforced over your lifetime. That’s a lot of unprogrammming to do first to become unhindered. It doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient with yourself. You can begin unlearning right now. Think of this story to better understand. A boy who grew up in the desert often observed lizards regrow their limbs. No one told him he couldn’t do the same, so when he lost his arm and hand he grew them back. This is how belief systems limit our truly limitless potential. How limitless you ask? That is for you to test. For all of us. Please use caution of course. Avoid jumping off cliffs to test levitation. If that is what you want to explore, exercise caution and safety during your pursuit. We know what life looks like when we accept the illusions at face value. How do you discern what in life is an illusion? Learn to exercise your sixth sense. Learn to feel for the intentions behind the author or speaker of anything. If you don’t receive a clear gut feeling, keep trying until you do. Logic can also help you navigate taught falsehoods. Follow the trail of who is behind each limiting belief system, and why do they not want you at your peak potential of an awake infinite eternal you.  As you awaken you tend automatically to forgive those who misled you. You get how Jesus could forgive so readily. Because as you awaken you unlock infinite unconditional love within you, and forgiveness is inherent during oneness with infinite unconditional love. When you strip away all that is not you, all you have left is infinite unconditional love. That is who we are. The all that is is within each of us. None of us need a Liaison to talk to God. Each of us need only surrender to the present moment. Go within. All that God is is within you. You know you, and you know God. Each of us is consciousness. Each of our consciousnesses are different perspectives of God or all that is. We are one with all that is. Separation is one of the illusions. The notion that you and I are not cosmically connected is an illusion. We are one. Different aspects of the one. So we now might see it is better to cherish each other. To lift each other up. Feed, clothe and pamper each other. Did not Jesus and the Buddha not shower others with kindness regardless of any traits or classes? That is why. They lived beyond the illusions. They taught by example. We can’t wait to see what new realities you will form. We love you. We love you. We love you. 
