Law of Attraction

How to play with the quantum field by Alex Austin

So we are always playing with the quantum field. If you’re like me, you had no idea that you were actually creating your reality with your frequency. So I was blindly thinking self sabotaging thoughts randomly without realizing that they introduce specific feelings and in turn set my frequency. Whatever frequency we hold (if we hold it long enough) acts like a magnet.

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Beyond the Veils of Illusion by Alex Austin

IF YOU ARE A SEEKER OF TRUTHS OR WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT’S BEYOND THE VEILS OF ILLUSION THERE ARE MANY PATHS TO ACHIEVE THIS. One thread to pull on is: ask yourself “Why does the placebo effect work?” Answer: You are infinite eternal consciousness, and your thoughts shape and create your reality. Taught belief systems act like corrals that limit our thoughts and potential.

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We Could Hypnotize Ourselves to Do Anything by Alex Austin

Whether it’s been intentional or not, we’ve been hypnotized into thinking we are limited. Or taught rather (same thing) into thinking we are limited. Remember the Yoda parable? Luke said “I couldn’t do it. It’s just too big.” Yoda telekinetically lifts the X-wing out of the swamp. Luke again “I don’t believe it.” Yoda says “Yes. That is why you failed.” It is the same for all of us.

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Law of Attraction by Alex Austin

The law of attraction is about love and playing in higher dimensions of reality. Your imagination is linked with the fifth dimension. Dream it and it will come. Don’t worry about how it will happen. Let your higher self sweat the details. Let what we know about logic and physics be circumvented. Belief without doubt wrapped in unconditional love ensures success.

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