How to play with the quantum field / by Alex Austin


So we are always playing with the quantum field. If you’re like me, you had no idea that you were actually creating your reality with your frequency. So I was blindly thinking self sabotaging thoughts randomly without realizing that they introduce specific feelings and in turn set my frequency. Whatever frequency we hold (if we hold it long enough) acts like a magnet. I’m trying to explain why masters say ‘thoughts and feelings become things’. You are a divine creator being. I am a divine creator being. You create your reality. I create my reality. Together we collectively create shared realities. If you alter your frequency you will then interact with the parallel version of me that matches that frequency. If I lower or raise my frequency I then interact with that frequency version of you. You’re still you in every infinite timeline. With your free will and awareness you can choose which of the infinite frequency reality timelines you wish to ride out your experience in. You may have had no idea how much you were in the driver’s seat all along. 

It has been like I’ve been living in this programmed autopilot pattern for so long. Then I saw that I can inject code into my reality and alter it like a master programmer. How do I intentionally program my reality? 

  1. First I must realize that I always have a choice. I had to shed the ideas of obligations and previous assumptions of what can come to pass. We have a million different obligations that we consider before we even (if ever) ask ourselves what do we want to experience. If you’ve built up your self worth enough you can allow yourself the honor of choice. Allow yourself to choose. If you can exist in any kind of reality, spend sometime dreaming of what your ideal reality would look like. Not one where others are suffering or in lack. If you’re going to do this you need to make sure the world you build helps everyone. Otherwise none of this will work. This first step is about choice.

  2. The next step is about knowing what is possible. Time to forget everything you’ve learned about what is possible and what isn’t possible. Your imagination is one of your most powerful metaphysical tools. Try to imagine without limits. This second step is about expanding upon what you first chose. Little things or big things. The universe will provide what you want to attract/manifest/create. Any doubt will kill the process. This will be hard. You’ve been taught to doubt things like this your entire life. In Empire Strikes Back Luke failed to telekinetically lift the X-wing fighter out of the swamp. Yoda did it successfully. Luke said “I don’t believe it”. Yoda’s reply was “that is why you failed”. Exercise unwavering belief in the face of all you were taught up until now. Doubt will stop your ability.

  3. Build and maintain an unwavering higher frequency. Once your frequency matches into alignment with the frequency of that you wish to attract/manifest/create it will show up. Observe your thoughts and feelings. If you don’t like what you see that’s okay. You have to start from somewhere right? If you’re going to become your own thought police you are going to have be very kind with yourself. Learn to release judgment as you observe. Adopt the role of loving or neutral observer. I could probably write pages and pages about how to raise your frequency. There are many books and teachers out there that address this subject. Know that as you frequency goes, so does your reality.

  4. Step forward and act in faith. Contrary to how you might think the universe supports you. Every soul has supporters in the spirit realms tending to them. Let’s try listening to them instead of ignoring them. Look for signs from them. Be patient with yourself. Don’t try to force things. Follow your intuition. The more you get in the habit of it you will know you are doing it right. Listen to the calmest, wisest voice in your head. Your team of guides will also communicate to you through synchronicities. Repeating numbers that you see. Encountering a person or subject that you were just thinking about. These are signs that you’re doing it right.

  5. Keep your expectations loose about the how/when/what details of your manifestation/creations. Rules that you’ve been used to for accomplishing something with blood, sweat, and tears don’t apply here. In fact those old methods can lower your frequency and in turn stop the progress. If you’re thinking it can only happen in a certain way or time and you witness it not happening according to your expectations and start to let doubt in, you sabotage the process. Maintain faith regardless of what you witness. Maintain your frequency. Be patient for your frequency to match your new dreamed-of reality.

  6. The more success you have with this the more your confidence and faith in this grows. Each success fuels your faith again and again. This is invaluable because everything we were taught goes against this being possible. And old thinking will indeed make it not possible for you. Again those leaps of faith will get easier over time.

I have attracted/manifested/created jobs, vehicles, situations, interactions, alternative timeline-realities using this method. The more I do it the better I understand it. You can too. Happy manifesting! Understand that the quantum universe is your playground. You’re meant to have fun with it. 


I’m sure everything on that list above sounds feasible until you get to ‘timeline-reality’. Then perhaps the record skips for you. Say what? In Jane Roberts’ book The Seth Material, the entity Jane channels (Seth) describes instances where they started to manifest multiple timelines that started to become materialized until they chose one of them. Then the unrealized timelines then faded away. 

A couple years ago one weekend an old friend had flown in from out of town to hangout with me. It was on the night of a blood wolf moon. Do you remember doubting Thomas from the Bible? He was a doubting Thomas. I showed him some shaman energy work out in the wild (with some noticeable results) and he still wanted to be convinced further of the esoteric things I was talking about. I asked him “what would you like to explore?” His answer was “string theory”. He said that was one concept he could get behind. I said “that’s great. Let’s talk about string theory. So the concept is that there are an infinite number of parallel timelines or realities if you will. One in which it’s exactly like this one except in that other reality you’re wearing a green shirt instead. Let’s think about all the other realities. Which of them would we like to jump to if we could?”

Just then I unthinkingly flicked a cigarette butt off of the hotel balcony into the almost empty parking lot below. He was instantly incensed that I ignored the ashtray. I said “this is a perfect opportunity. I’ll will the butt into the reality in which I flicked it, but we’ll remain in a reality in which I did not flick the butt.” I held my hand heart chakra out towards it. I imagined a portal of energy surrounding it. I concentrated for a few minutes. I imagined it being moved vibrationally to that other reality. I completely committed myself to a belief that I could do it. Then we watched it. Gravity took hold of it and it started to roll within the empty parking space. Once it started to roll over the painted divider line it absolutely vanished. He said “did you see that? It vanished. I can’t see it anymore. Where is it?” I replied “I told you. It’s in that other reality now.” We stood there stupefied and continued to talk. Then I unthinkingly flicked another cigarette butt down there again. He was just as incensed the second time. I apologized. I said “I’m sorry. Let me do it again.” I repeated the technique. I then carefully analyzed its position within the parking space. As we conversed I took my eyes away for a moment. Just then he said “hey, it’s gone.” Sure enough. I remember analyzing its position and it was gone. He wanted to inspect further. We ran down to the parking lot. We turned on the flashlights on our iPhones and scoured the whole parking lot. There was no wind present to move them. We couldn’t find them anywhere down there.

Just like my friend, you may be thinking there is some other explanation as to what happened other that what I intended. I don’t blame you. I was astonished as well. I’m just glad I had a witness and the conviction to pull it off. That little experiment helped me gather further data. I’m sure I’ve been unthinkingly choosing all kinds of realities to step into all the time. To actually willfully switch realities with a doubting witness present was amazing. I couldn’t have predicted that, but that night I was able to have an unwavering conviction that made it possible. That’s just one example. I have more, but that’s enough to write about for now. 

“Try not. Do or do not.”

Source: How to play with the quantum field