I am eternal / by Alex Austin

Moving through density is what I am here to do. We reached down from above. We reached down into the lowest density we could. So much so that we forgot who we were. To experience lack, separation, suffering. Why? Well perhaps to better know ourselves even further. Imagine if we didn’t experiment with the lower density experience. We wouldn’t feel such an intense ecstasy of remembering who we truly are. It’s like we dunked our head under water and tried to see how long we could last without air. When we rise up out of the lower density of that water and allow ourselves to again take in that breath of higher density consciousness an ecstasy sets in like never before. We appreciate that higher density consciousness like never before. We experience a richness. An appreciation for all life and experience. How could we feel for those who are suffering without experiencing suffering ourselves? We get to feel love for all our sisters and brothers deeper than we thought possible. We remember that we are all aspects/facets of the one infinite source of all creation. The phrase ‘all are one’ couldn’t be a truer statement when referencing ourselves. With this remembrance it becomes impossible to choose to cause harm to anyone of anything. A kindness to you is a kindness to me. The opposite is a disservice to us all. A harmonious symbiotic relationship with all become the most natural inclination going forward. How different that take is to the previously held compete-for-survival mindset? It’s quite different. If your ego needs time to adjust before letting go of the old, give it all the time it needs. Learning how to surrender can be scary at first. But only at first. Once you become accustomed to surrender, it’s all you want to do. Acceptance is a wonderful replacement to resistance. It was an illusion that resistance worked. It never did. Resistance feeds that which you abhor. That which you resist persists. Don’t compete to win. Love all-that-is to win. What is all-that-is? All-that-is is all that is. Everything is connected. Consciousness is who we really are. There is only one consciousness. We all are aspects of that one consciousness. The idea of separation is an illusion. No need to argue. No need to be right. Allow others to say everything they need to say. Love them, and accept them. Instead of needing to be right (which I don’t feel that need anymore) is replaced with surrender and unconditional love. That love powers everything. Your abilities to claircognitively know all that want to know. Your abilities to play with the quantum realm. Your abilities to rewrite the code of your reality. Alex knows this now. He knows this and no longer questions whether or not it is all true. His knowing has become infinitely confident. He is so grateful for everything. His heart is big. It is activated. It knows no limitations. We love you. We love you. We love you. 


Above is a partially channeled written message. Hence the reference to myself in the third person. What came through were other multidimensional aspects of me that are not Alex (ego). Honestly, sharing this openly feels like an act of bravery, but I feel like it must be done. I was apprehensive in the past to share things like this before. I think by sharing this more and more it helps normalize metaphysical content like this.
