What do we want to be quantum entangled with? / by Alex Austin

You may be familiar with the term quantum entanglement. It is something quantum physicists have coined to describe atoms that are unexplainably connected to each other and reflect the same frequency responses regardless of proximity to each other. 

So now think about your quantum reality. You have the power to guide and be a master of your own thoughts. Correct? Those thoughts in turn create emotions. Those emotions establish a frequency vibration. Each emotion has a measurable frequency on a scale. Ones that are lower, and ones that are higher. We think millions of thoughts everyday. If the bulk of those thoughts can intentionally set in a higher frequency band, you become quantumly entangled with a quantum reality that is in alignment with that frequency. 

If this is the case, I suggest you spend time day-dreaming about your vision of what your most ideal quantum reality looks like everyday. As idealic as you can imagine. One in which not only you are at peace with, but in which all others are also at peace in. If heaven is to be created right here on Earth, this is how it begins. 

Steps to create your desired quantum reality timeline 

  1. Imagination

  2. Frequency

  3. Belief management (shed the old beliefs that didn’t support your true power and potential, and let the universe help you build new beliefs to use as tools)

  4. Focus (whatever you focus on grows/choose wisely)

  5. Remain heart-centered (without this there is no fuel for cosmic creation)

  6. Clean house (make sure you’ve exercised all your demons, resentments, and guilt)

  7. Create (simply live in your truth and new favorite frequency)

If something in our reality is bothering us, it is a perfect time to ask yourself why that is. What is being triggered? Is there a fear of being manipulated, a judgment of some kind? Whatever feelings pop up, lean into feeling them as much as possible. Honor them. Forgive yourself and all involved with those feelings. Do this as much as possible. Eventually you may reach a point in which you are untriggerable by any situation. Your outlook on your reality will morph. 

You will see less wrong with the world, and more right with it. Adopt a neutral observer perspective. This will help you to shed old paradigms. Once you’ve shed that which no longer serves you you can build anew. Remember. You are a facet of the infinite creator of all that is. When you’re ready you can bring forth as much of that infinite creator power that you will allow yourself to. If you bravely step forward into it, what will you create? We love you. We love you. We love you. 
