What is a spiritual awakening, and what does one first have to navigate when one has one? / by Alex Austin

Part 1

Lots of people are using the term spiritual awakening. What does it mean? What does it really mean?

In the simplest terms, it is when you remember who you really are, as an eternal consciousness being who is so much more than an animated vessel. You see and feel beyond what you normally see in the mirror. A knowing takes over. A knowing that you are so much more than what you identified with previously to your spiritual awakening. We all of us (everyone) has latent extra sensory senses. There are many things that can trigger these senses to start working. The challenge here is much like explaining vision to a blind person. Not that it’s impossible. It’s not, but there are challenges. Even a conversation could trigger a memory of these senses. We all had them for a bit right when we came into the world. Then societal norms taught us to repress and ignore them as children. Like making fun of you for having ‘imaginary’ friends. Those imaginary friends were real, but on a slightly higher plane of reality. When you’re discouraged enough from seeing and interacting with something you will lose that ability. The good news is it can come back. It doesn’t have to be after decades of meditation and practice like it did me. When these senses are fully online, there is no forgetting or falling back asleep spiritually. The jig is up. The cat is out of the bag. You see past the illusions of the physical world. That physical world corresponds to the energetic spiritual world in the adjacent planes of existence. As above so below. And when you can see, feel, and absorb the information within energy around you things change. Instead of turning to a colleague or mentor in the physical world for answers, you would rather connect to the spirit world (beyond the physical) for learning about reality and anything you want to know. I read long ago in A.E. Powell’s book The Mental Body that with focus one could access the mental plane (fifth density, above the forth density astral plane) and you could either absorb anything you want to know from the Akashic records or you could access and interview the higher self of anyone alive or dead. Over many years that sunk in until I was doing it all the time. During meditation if I wanted to know something or learn from someone in history or an ascended master they would come forward and fill me with all I sought to know. I would receive visual impressions of them in my mind’s eye, and visual impressions of what they were telepathically talking about. This is part of what my spiritual awakening has looked like for me. The information I’ve been absorbing over the years has been very contradictory to much of what I’ve been taught over the years, but it is validating much of what I have read in metaphysical books from around the globe. Know that studying metaphysics is very beneficial. This roughly answers the first part of the question. 

Part 2

Now to address the second part of the question. What does one first have to navigate?

Well what I wanted to talk about was the feelings that come up when you learn that much of what we’ve been taught to be true isn’t. Then there are the feelings that come up when the answer to ‘why’ becomes apparent to you. The esoteric truths have always been physically available for humanity to learn, but it was never easily offered to the public. Those that have been running societies on this planet for thousands of years knew of these truths, and withheld them. They are taught in secret societies, but everyone is sworn to secrecy first before they are exposed to this universal knowledge. Remember the crusades? The contents of the libraries of Alexandria were pillaged and destroyed, to later be kept hidden within the Vatican. Jesus was quickly taken out because he offered these universal truths to the masses. His message was ‘you are God just as I am’. Our not knowing was intentional. Many of our systems of commerce, studies, and health are not geared towards our highest success. When that sinks in lots of feelings come up. Navigating this well is important. It can be enthralling to examine each wrong towards humanity, and be aghast. This can act like a trap. It’s healthy to process it, but it’s not healthy to dwell on it for too long. You’re not the old you lamenting things. You’re now the awakened you who also knows that you are a creator being with unlimited infinite creative potential. What you need to focus on now is more of what you want to see in the world, because that is how you will bring it about on a quantum level. Try not to dwell on what has been disappointing. It’s hard not to, when you didn’t see it before and now you suddenly do. Well in my opinion you need to quickly elevate your frequency vibration and start co-creating the coolest, most just, healthy, harmonious, abundant, creative, fun reality for us all to exist in. That is our destiny, and no one but YOU is going to decide exactly what that reality is going to look like. Hear a prediction you don’t like? Don’t agree to it. Don’t think anything you don’t want to happen is inevitable. Nothing is. Your free will won’t allow that. Use your free will in tandem with your infinite creative abilities to manifest the future reality that you want to participate in. Have fun with it. Don’t listen to any words that try to disempower you. Even take my words with a grain of salt because they come through my reality perspective lens. Take only the words that resonate with you. Peace be with you. You got this. We love you. We love you. We love you. 
