Multiple Existence / by Alex Austin


For some reincarnation is debatable. Even Christianity used to teach it. They removed it from their teachings at around 400 AD. My grandmother Ruby had books about reincarnation by and for Christians. For me it is no longer debatable, and now a no-longer-forgotten memory. I know I have been monks, Mayan, higher evolved beings, elements, rocks, grass, trees, insects, animals… We classify things as living or not living. But everything is alive. Everything has a form of consciousness. Everything vibrates and emits a frequency. The lower the frequency the lower experience that consciousness is experiencing. Even your coffee maker and car have forms of consciousness that agreed to occupy those vessels. Why do we talk to or feel personalities within objects? We name our cars. We name our printers. 

While we have an illusion of linear time, all time (past, present, future) is happening now in the present moment. Think of linear time as a gift or tool that allows us to process our experiences in a more palatable way for a certain level of consciousness. As consciousness expands it is needed as a tool less and less, and can be abandoned when necessary. It is there for you while it is useful to you. 

“There is no spoon.” —The Matrix

Illusions are tools. Both time and space are illusions. Their purpose presents itself to you when you contemplate what they have taught you thus far. “There is no spoon.” —The Matrix We have been taught certain physical laws to be true, and they are. Just so long as we believe in them. If we change our beliefs around them, we in turn can change those laws of physics. We have seen anomalies where some things have defied the laws of physics. Shall we continue to shrug our shoulders, and say that certain things are beyond our understanding? Or shall we try to learn more, and understand further? 

Since pretty much everything is an illusion with the exception or your consciousness, how is this illusion constructed? It is generated by the only thing that does exist. You. Thoughts become things. Feelings and frequency dictate the qualities of those things. Your reality is whatever you believe it to be. If you change your beliefs, guess what will happen to your reality. There are billions of humans creating their realities on Earth right now. Those realities are intersecting and morphing. Some humans are manifesting incredible realities. Some are manifesting realities they might not prefer, but they are learning. Everything is a lesson. Not mistakes. Some realities our peers are generating confuse us. 

When we can begin to be mindful of what we create, we will get better and better at it. A freedom sets in. We have control? Well, yes. With this awareness comes responsibility. You can’t let your ego drive the car anymore. You must be mindful of others. You must create with the highest good of your fellow creatures in mind as well as your own. Your higher self has been doing the heavy lifting all along. While your ego has been non the wiser, and ignorant of how it all worked. 

If your emotions and frequency dictate the quality of creation, think about the cleaning of house that will be necessary before you proceed. Do you think jealousy or resentment will have any place in this new created reality of yours? No. You’re going to need to clean house first. You’re going to have to let some things go. You’re going to have to make an inventory of all your traumas and baggage to start with. This could take days, months, or years. With the help of a therapist or your spirit guides the work can go quicker. What you need to do is lean into and thoroughly feel each of the heavy emotions and traumas that you have been carrying. As you do so you punctuate each process with allowing yourself to feel the love and forgiveness (for all involved) that you were missing in each memory. You do this until you don’t need to do it anymore. This will allow you to then be your higher more authentic self. This is the version of you that can now quantum create realities that can benefit everyone. When you live in the frequency of love imagine the quality of all that you create. All deserve your love. You deserve your love. Everyone around you deserves your love. Any reason not to was based on a misunderstanding. 

Let’s go back to the idea of multiple existence. Each expression of consciousness is connected. Each consciousness is a wave on the ocean of all consciousness. There is only one consciousness. So anyone you are interacting with is also you. We are all that is. All that is within us. It is us. We are God. You are God. I am God. This is exactly what Jesus who achieved Christ Consciousness preached. He was silenced, and those in power wrote his words to be whatever more suited their doctrine. Imagine their dismay if you learned and understood this truth. The illusion of their power would dissolve as your power grew. That is what is happening right now as you read this. You literally have the keys to the kingdom of heaven on Earth within you. There is a second coming. The savior is you. Christ Consciousness is not only found within a select few. It is a temperature frequency of consciousness that can be achieved by anyone. Raise your consciousness and all that Jesus, the Buddha, and Mohamed knew will be known by you as well. You won’t need to worship anyone but the source-of-all-that-is within you. No more cults. No more blindly trusting others that would deceive you. Know yourself, and do good. We love you. We love you. We love you.