What is free will / by Alex Austin


Free will is said to be a universal law. The higher one’s consciousness is raised the more it is acknowledged and adhered to. For oneself and others. Imagine all of humanity eventually doing so. What does that look like? 

In this life we’ve been raised to be obedient to people, causes, dogmas, and ideas. We’ve felt obligated to such things. “I want to do this, but my upbringing tells me that I ‘should’ do this.” An inner conflict results. Torn between what feels right for us, and an imaginary duty of some sort. You might begin to start making some assessments right now. Making an inventory of what lies in your true highest calling, and what lies in unnecessary conditioned control. 

What happens when we really explore what autonomy means? When we ask ourselves “what do I want to do? In every aspect of my life. What if no one was looking? What if all expectations and obligations were retracted? And at the same time had a healthy perspective of our infinite self worth.” Allow yourself to know that you deserve to be happy, content, and have anything you want. Imagine that there are no barriers to thriving abundantly. Imagine whatever you dreamt up could happen. Good. Keep doing that. 

Furthermore respecting the law of free will means you never have to have another argument if you don’t want to. Knowing your sisters and brothers have free will too removes any imagined responsibility to correct anyone’s way of thinking. When all perspectives are respected that leaves time for so much more. Some people like to argue. That’s okay. If you tire of it, know that you never have to do it again. Why would you want to impose your perspective to a captive audience anyway? Are we not all learning about life on our own time? Why rush anyone along? Aren’t they in God’s hands? Just like you.

I’m not saying to not share your perspective. Your audience will come to you. Those that are hungry to hear what you have to share will show up. When we remove the burden of the direction of others we free ourselves. We free them. Then we truly live autonomously. How would we presume to know their path better than God? Not our ego self surely. Our higher self is the wiser aspect of us. And it does not want to direct others. Only to love them. Only to resonate higher and higher. And to be love in action. In a physical body. Do things that are in service to all, while cherishing oneself along the way.

If you follow your higher self, there is nothing to manage. For you then exist in a heart centered space. There there are no things to correct. Only live and love. I sound rather lofty don’t I? Don’t worry I’m still in this form. My frequency can shift down from that lofty place too. I’m not to be put on a pedestal or regarded anything but a peer. I could be tested, prodded to see if I can respond in a lower manner. And I could. But I think it’s okay to acknowledge that that is less and less the case. I am on a journey between my past self and my higher self. I’m so happy to shed old habits, and paradigms. It’s like releasing heavy items from your backpack. That’s akin to the feeling. Perhaps spend some time thinking of ways you make yourself feel freer and lighter. Try to stretch your free will muscles. Say no to things. Practice the heck out of that. And search for things you truly want to say yes too. We love you so much. We love you. We love you. We love you.