Channeling spirit guides — Streams of energy / by Alex Austin

Today my spirit guides asked me to describe what I see with my third eye. I share what I see both clairvoyantly and claircognitively. I also gain access to the perspective of my other selves. The transcription is below.


What do you see in your mind’s eye? Oh! This is very interesting. It’s like a bird’s eye view panorama. Like there’s a camera tilting a view circling around your physical vessel. You’re seeing yourself from the outside. And in your third eye you are seeing all of the energy flowing around. The shapes, the patterns, the flow… It’s like watching streams. Some streams run faster than others. They are very distinguished from each other. It’s like watching blood move through blood vessels and there’s blood vessels everywhere. I just flows. There’s rivers of energy everywhere. Oh my gosh. Hahaha.

Just observing this you are also picking up on what is within the energy. There’s a certain feeling just from perceiving it from this vantage point. Where you see the tapestry of everything. Working together like a machine. A glorious beautiful machine. The patterns and the flows are so absolutely gorgeous. They are absolutely gorgeous. As above so below. All of those streams of energy happen everywhere in some way. They move through people. They move through groups of people. They move through soul families. They move within the human body. They move through Gaia. There’s just this energy within everything. It’s beautiful to behold in your third eye. To see it all. And anything you can see in your third eye you can also reach out and dig deeper into the frequency and feel the story, the information associated with that energy. You can absorb novels of information from the energy. You can absorb lifetimes of information from the energy.

It’s beautiful to see how things sync up. Our perception of time.. This linear perspective makes things so fun! Where you can really savor the moments. Instead of just looking at it all at once. In which time really flows. All at once. Past, future, present, are all in the present moment. But to see it unfold in this dimensional way is just… We took it for granted. We didn’t appreciate it. I didn’t. You didn’t. Then you look at things through higher levels of consciousness. Then the appreciation and gratitude pour in. Oh, it is something to behold. Mmm. Our journeys are just magnificent. There’s so much to be proud of for life as a whole.

Just being… Just holding this frequency is very good work. It’s all you want to do sometimes. It’s time well spent. To hold this frequency. You know. You often like to look at you life as though you were at the end, and you’re looking back upon everything. Your future self is closing the show on this life. From that perspective, when you can’t hold onto anything but gratitude because you know nothing more can be written. Now look at your life. When you jump back into this present moment where you have the rest of your life still to live. But now with that same appreciation to hold over your entire life of everything that happened, and accept it, and I’m grateful for it. When I look at every little thing I see the wisdom it all brought, and how it helped grow my heart.

And you’ve been learning these lessons from your other selves as well. They are all a part of it. They are you. And when you experience those lifetimes, my goodness… What an example you were? Hahaha. What great teachers to have? They were just… …with love and forgiveness. Love and forgiveness. They knew those lessons well. And when they shared them with you… Oh my god, they just helped you understand. That’s a place that’s familiar for you. To not have that is weird. To have any resentments? That’s weird. There aren’t any reasons really to have resentments. You signed up for this. Thank you for all the participants who helped you learn.

You like to sometimes think of this life as like the story Goldilocks. For some of your experiences teach you what you don’t want, until you do find what you want. That is a fun game you can play within this universe. It’s not always the point of everything, but it is a good part of your development. As you grow, you keep asked what doesn’t resonate and what does. It’s a good practice to hold.

Thank you for your service everyone for your participation in this grand, grand experience. We love you. We love you. We love you.