Empowerment Affirmation / by Alex Austin

If we can (and I believe we can) make generosity of spirit contagious we can move mountains. Any voices telling you that you can’t do something are illusions. Challenge any voice that tells you you can’t do something, if you want to do it of course. We hope you don’t become entertainment to those who think you easily provoked. The point is your imagination is the only true limit. It’s what Yoda’s lesson was about. Your imagination is the only true limit to what you create/manifest/reality alter. Mantra what you want to do until it happens. Let the doubts melt away until you have the state of your highest vision. Once your doubts are completely dissolved the door will open and your vision will appear. Just move your focus away from how it will happen, to knowing it will happen while focusing on other tasks that either bring you closer to that vision or not. Your visions / creations love to arrive when you are distracted by the curiosities of life. Now considering all of these fundamentals are becoming intuitively known among more and more of us until everyone is eventually awake. Consider how society and the human race could exponentially change things with a unified agreement for compassion in all things. Things could change pretty quickly for the better. 
