My Meditation Practice: Grounding, Torsion Field Activation, Merkaba Field Generation, Kundalini Activation / by Alex Austin

To those who don’t consider themselves as expert meditators, I recommend spending some time warming up with some breath work techniques before you begin this meditation. Box breathing technique can be a good one to start with. Spend a few minutes slowly filling your lungs with as much air as possible. Count to a number in your head until your lungs are at capacity. Hold the air in your lungs to that same number count. Slowly exhale the air from your lungs until they are completely empty to that same count. Hold your lungs empty until that same count before you start the cycle over again. The timing is not super important. You just want to establish a regular slow cadence with your breath work. What is super important is that you fill your lungs to absolute maximum capacity, and empty them completely. Doing that effectively will help you a lot. This high delivery of oxygen to your system helps your body and brain work more optimally, while raising your body’s vibrational frequency at the same time. Don’t rush this. Now on to the meditation.

Breathe. Connect to source. Feel for that connection. Let the love, compassion and understanding you feel from source raise your vibration higher and higher. Let the energy from the Earth fill your being. Commune with the energy. Let it heal and rejuvenate your body. Let it work through each chakra, clearing, opening and activating them. See each color activation in your mind’s eye.

Kundalini flow of energy through your chakra system

Kundalini flow of energy through your chakra system

Move your arms in a circular motion up along your body and out like you’re pushing the energy from the Earth up through your chakra system. The energy close to your body is going up. The energy further away from you is going back down towards the Earth. Then inwards towards you and up again. Think of it as a donut of energy that surrounds you. You can dictate how the energy flows within it with your thoughts, intention and movement. Qigong shows how to do this. Breathe. With your breath and movement you are increasing the torsion field around you. Confirm you are at a heightened pure vibration.

Flow of your torsion field

Flow of your torsion field

Form an energy ball between your hand heart chakras. Envision the sacred geometric shape of the merkaba within the energy ball in between your hands. Visualize focusing the energy through the heart chakras in your hands. Ask for assistance from the masters of sacred geometry in the the spirit world. Let them guide the proper rotation of the 2 pyramids within the merkaba. Hold the energy ball so your left hand is on top. Tap your fingers so they touch the palm of your hands twelve or thirteen times (pick a number). This activated the rotations of the first pyramid of the merkaba. Rotate your hands. With your right hand on top, tap your fingers again. With those taps know that you have properly finished activating the merkaba field. Limitless, infinite power is literally in your hands. Know it is so. It is so. Before you do anything with the merkaba, while holding it like a beach ball rotate it up along your chakra system a few times to improve your chakra system even more. You should have a noticeable sensation when you do this. With your vibration even higher now you are better equipped to do something with the merkaba.

Generation of Sacred Geometry Merkaba

Generation of Sacred Geometry Merkaba

You may be having a kundalini experience by this point (feeling connected to all that is). Pick a loving intention for whatever you want to do with it. Know that you can manifest anything you can imagine. Ego must sit in the backseat in this part of the journey. By this point your higher self is the one driving the car. Your intentions are pure. Now dream of who you want to heal and help. Dream of how wonderful life could be. See yourself in that now. It is so. Harmonize your frequency with the frequency of that other you to converge with each other. It’s now only a matter of time and allowing that frequency to enter your frequency and harmonize. This is having fun and playing with the quantum field. You can also process downloads of information from source on anything you are curious about. Then you can take that information, love, dreams, healing energy, enlightenment and package it into the merkaba in your hands. Then expand the merkaba below you to a size where it comes to engulf the Earth and pulse beyond it. Know that higher vibration merkaba just engulfed all on Earth with all we talked about. Use your breath to push the energy through where you’re envisioning it. Almost no one will be cognizant of it (your spirit guides will be though). You are seeding the energy grid with high energy vibration and the collective human consciousness with enlightenment and love. Sealing it with a chant or tone helps give it a marker making it easier to access in the Akashic records in the astral plane. Try doing this often. Welcome to being an energy worker. 

Here is another post where I go into this a little deeper.

Below are what my movements look like.

Qigong #TorsionFieldGeneration #MerkabaFieldGeneration #EnergyHealing #GridWork #Grounding #Earthing #OmManiPadmeHum #Meditation #SacredGeometry