Integration of Dark Verses Light / by Alex Austin

As an empath I was just thinking about remaining neutral or shielding myself from what I would call negative feelings or impulses. Then the following thoughts came through.

When it comes to what I would deem negative, dark or lower vibrational thoughts or beings. By classifying them as such can imply judgment. Now I use those terms merely as reference as to be understood. Instead of judgment my chosen actions towards darkness are: observation, acceptance, forgiveness and love. My divine feminine self leads me towards those actions to integrate the darkness rather than fight it. They are from eternal source energy just as light is. Darkness is the teacher. The illusion. We are made of love and light. That is who we are. We agreed long ago to participate with and learn from darkness. It is like our X-Men’s Danger Room or Star Trek’s Holodeck. We learn and grow from it. It isn’t who we are. We learn who we are by facing it. We don’t truly grow until we offer it forgiveness and unconditional love. When we remain in conflict, we are in conflict with ourselves ultimately. That is what is behind the Tibetan saying: ‘Fear no man or deed’. When you put it into practice, you become free. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for hanging in there. We love you. We love you. We love you. 
