About These Meditation Notes / by Alex Austin

I think I’ve been experiencing a slow gradual spiritual awakening since I was a child. Each new awareness would level up the depth of my understanding. I could take an inventory of my journey, and examine each of the ‘aha’ moments. I sometimes do that, by the way. While those ‘aha’ moments were enlightening, I was still often clouded by learned belief systems. Those belief systems seeded a bit of doubt in what I learned. It took a lot to hold onto what I learned. What helped me is those lessons stemmed from personal first hand experiences that no one could take away from me. Sometimes when I would talk about my experiences, people would try to explain away or deny my story because of taught belief systems. The discrepancy between my experiences and what we are taught by society, caused a rift for me. That rift is between what I feel to be true and taught belief systems. That has allowed my learning from my meditation experiences to grow.

About three years ago I decided to try an experiment. Any dentist on the planet will tell you that fluoride is good for your teeth’s health and harmless to your system. My father-in-law was a dentist. I know it’s perceived as a fundamental fact. I heard some evidence to the contrary. That it could lead to calcification of our pineal gland. So my experiment was to go without toothpaste that contains fluoride and see what happens. I also stopped using my medicated Head and Shoulders shampoo, and Old Spice deodorant. I found all-natural pleasant alternatives for my body care needs, and I haven’t looked back. My dentist has found zero cavities or problems since my switch. The seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp is soothed successfully with TheraNeem Scalp Therapé Shampoo. For toothpaste I use versions without fluoride by Hello or Tom’s. For deodorant I use Tom’s. The ingredients in all of these products are fewer, and easier to understand. Now it’s three years later. What are the results of my experiment? Well, I feel better for one. Secondly, around the same time I made this change I noticed a huge increase in my visions, telepathy and claircognitions. As I started receiving more input from my extrasensory senses, I began documenting it all in my meditation notes three years ago.

In March 2020 this year, like many others around the world I found myself dealing with the loss of my day job. Right away I started with updating my resume, and applying to creative leadership roles at agencies and tech companies in town. I won’t say I’ve stopped. I’m still looking, but with time of self reflection I felt compelled transfer my notes from my iPhone to this blog format. Perhaps now is the time I can share them, rather than keep them hidden to myself. I feel like there are a lot of people on this planet right now who are starting to have spiritual awakenings themselves. Perhaps the rambling notes of my spiritual journey could help others who are just starting theirs. Let others know they are not alone in what they are going through. It’s perfectly acceptable now in this day age to be able to come out and say things like: “I see and hear dead people.” or “I can see your aura.” or “I can receive information from my spirit guides.” or “I finally understand the Law of Attraction.” or “I can consciously astral project.” Right? There are enough professional people like this out there now. They have not been committed to psychiatric hospitals. Many of them are ‘influencers’. They have impressive numbers of ‘followers’. So why not share this now, right? If someone is helped by reading these notes, then it will have been worth the effort. That is why I’m sharing these meditation notes with you. May they find you well.
