Playing with Multidimensionality / by Alex Austin

I effected reality with my will and intension. You could also classify it as real-time timeline hopping. You could also classify it as magic.

So the night after the blood wolf moon, my friend Aaron and I were hanging out and talking. We’ve been great friends since ‘92 and he came out here from San Francisco to visit me. I wanted to perform a metaphysical feat for him while I had a receptive audience/witness. He requested that we explore string theory. It was a concept he could get behind.

I said: “Great. Let’s explore string theory then. We of course are acknowledging the concept of all possibilities generating infinite parallel realities or timelines. Let us also acknowledge realities and timelines are the same thing. Then as we use our imaginations to think of the many possible timelines, really think about them. If you could perceive other timelines or create other timelines, which ones would you choose?”

Then I flicked a cigarette butt onto the parking lot below the two story balcony. He was aghast and hurt that I didn’t use the ashtray. Since we were on the subject of timelines I said: “Why don’t I will us to the timeline where I didn’t flick the cigarette butt, and I’ll will the butt to the timeline where I did flick it?” We were then intently watching the cigarette butt rolling along the parking space toward the white painted line. Once we saw it roll onto the white line it vanished. We couldn’t see it anymore. We continued to talk further, while almost being in disbelief over what we just witnessed. Then I unthinkingly released another butt. He got just as mad the second time. Then I apologized and declared “I’ll do it again”. I held my hand chakra towards it and visualized a portal around it to take it to the reality where it exists on the ground, and declared we existed in the timeline or reality where I didn’t flick it. I did that for about a minute. I used my will very intently. I omitted disbelief. I could actually see the portal of energy I willed around it. I could still see the butt when I looked away. I made a mental note of exactly where it was. Then I looked away for a moment conversing further with Aaron. He looked back to the parking lot a said “It’s gone!” We couldn’t see it anywhere. We ran down to the parking lot with flashlights and searched the whole area. It wasn’t windy. If the butts were down there we should have been able to find them, but there was no evidence of them. It kind of blew Aaron’s mind. But I was like: “See, you can manifest and choose your timeline.” It was crazy to see first hand evidence that illustrates our will’s power over our reality. If you’re centered and responsible with it you can do anything. Appreciate the gift, or you won’t have it. You have to be one with love. Selfish motives or doubt cannot be present. Love, confidence and openness to possibilities are the keys to success. Whoa! Still reeling from this.

Part 2:

In the energy game, I feel like I’m a crop duster.  Spreading high vibrational frequencies. I kind of feel like a pilot. Going where I’m needed. Spraying a blast. Creating new realities. Seeing if people enjoy them. If they want to be a part of them. The water is fine. Come on in and enjoy. Have you ever smoked a joint in a toasty hot tub with snow falling around you? It’s kind of like that. That type of quality reality. Where positive things happen. A few things we learned in life earlier were helpful. But the limited concepts, facts, history and laws should be forgotten and replaced. We had finely doctored information delivered to us by design. Meditation can take care of your learning curve. You can get all your information there. It is better than the internet. It’s hard to not say I feel like I am experiencing an awakening. There is a whole new connection to the metaphysical world that I feel activated in me. As if I just turned on my ham radio (if you will) to receive the information. About everything I can absorb in the spirit world. About life, reincarnation, the our true nature and reality. How to heal emotionally. How to use your imagination, creativity and will to manifest reality. Understand the power of vibration. 
