Higher Self Channeling / by Alex Austin

Today, when I asked my higher self and any other higher spirit guides present if I had ever physically met any extraterrestrials during this lifetime, I received this:

“You don’t want to know that right now. You feel that would hinder your street cred right now. You want to share stories with a partially felt commonality with many around you. You saw a path of light that had spiked pulses along its journey. That stream of light represented your lifetime and the pulses represented times of interactions with what you will agree to understand as starseeds. We will omit the fact of whether they were in human bodies or not. You can ask again anytime in the future if you are curious. Really ask us anything anytime. We love you. You are rad (to use your vernacular). Go in peace. Thank you for being you. 

You can tell tell the stories you want with all of the the information you have. It’s so juicy as it is. And some mystery always hooks a reader. Tell your story. 
