Energetic Intrusion / by Alex Austin

Last night my family and I watched this dumb show called Deception (latest episode streaming on Hulu). It was very much propaganda about the cabal. It made fun of conspiracy theorists and painted the cabal as real and bad, but tried to say they're not all bad. Stupidly during my sleep my subconscious self was brazenly looking for cabal secret stuff (just like the characters were doing in the show). I wouldn't have consciously done that. I felt an energy wave go through me, scanning for me. It didn't feel good and was palpable. Then I saw a figure near my bed, looking at me. I thought it might've been my son sleep walking into my room. But it wasn't. Then (in my mind’s eye) I saw the face and mind of white reptilians trying to interface with me. It was so scary. My heart was pounding. It took me quite a while to get my protection field of light and love up strongly shutting it all out so I could sleep again. It wasn't cool. This is the only non-positive metaphysical experience I've have in a long time. Usually they (my experiences) are very positive and uplifting. I feel like that show was trying to trigger something in the masses. Sheesh. 

And then in the latest Cosmic Disclosure episode (released today) Corey Goode spoke about reptilians trying to interface with people in their homes. I heard this just hours after having this experience. I really feel like that show (ironically called Deception) is a tool for a dark purpose. Be careful out there. Love and light to you all. 

2017, Digital Illustration

2017, Digital Illustration