Creative Notes to Self / by Alex Austin

This going be easy (creatively). Just create the tangible version to share that's in you. It's all there. The structure. The lack of structure. How it all visually can be conveyed. You have time to do it. But continue to work on it. One step before the other. Whatever step you're on is good. It's part of being in the now. Let your body be the conduit for what your higher creative self wants to say. And all the little steps will add up to the finished product to what you want to get out (in this lifetime). You know what you want to say. Let it out. This project is much more than one painting or art piece. It's a collection that includes writing, storytelling, and lots of art and design. You give a great deal of thought and care to just one project/painting. This being so much, more requires all the more thought and planning. Honor that. It's part of your process. Don't let the time spent on thought and planning discourage you by thinking you're wasting time and prolonging the process. You're honoring the process. Don't be discouraged. That makes you freeze up with doubt. Do whatever it takes to loosen up to let it out at a snail's pace or a cheetah’s pace. Just don't stop is the point. Relax. You have all the time in the world. In your head you can be incredibly impatient and judging yourself poorly. Please ignore the inner dialogue that suggests you feel poorly. It doesn't serve you or anyone. It's not the way you operate anymore.
