Exploring the Kundalini Experience / by Alex Austin

Another merkaba field generated today. Another kundalini experience. They are getting longer and longer and happening everyday. Where I am connected to spirit, I know what I have to do, want to do, who I am, who god is, how I am connected with it (which in turn is connected to all other living things), every question is answered with clarity about the spirit world. I look at it from many angles and perspectives. Like from all of the versions of me throughout this timeline and beyond. Admiring and loving myself and my journey like an audience cheering from the rafters. All the me’s past and future in the now. Experiencing all from that perspective is so humbling. I couldn’t be experiencing more self love and to all life around me. Looking at it preciously. With so much wonder and delight. Compassionately. Hearing guidance from any ascended master or friend I want to connect to in the spirit world. 


I first experienced a kundalini experience around the age of 19, after about an hour of meditation. I would briefly describe it to be a blissful conscience connection to source energy.

The second time I experienced a kundalini experience it was super incredibly intense. I was in a group meditation setting. There were many tools being applied to raise the vibration at once. My friend Jesse was playing a didgeridoo. Someone else was playing a Tibetan glass bowl. I was doing a box breathing technique, and chanting ‘Om padme mani hum’ on my exhalations very deeply. I was hunched over in my chair facing the floor, when all of a sudden I felt a ferocious amount of energy shoot up my spine from my root chakra and out the top of my crown chakra. It was so powerful, my spine straightened in one instant motion. It was like water from a fire hydrant, but energy. I never felt such powerful unconditional love, bliss, and complete conscious mental and emotional connection to all of the universe. Anything I wanted to know about anything in the universe was open to me to know. Every higher and lower being that existed was unquestionably also me. I felt no separation from anything else that exists. The wisdom and love of God was also my wisdom and love. I knew there were no mistakes, and the fabric of all that is is beautiful and pure love within.
