Go Within / by Alex Austin

I am a daydreamer. A professional daydreamer. One should not focus on limitations learned. Action isn’t the only way to make things happen. Just working on being is another way to make things happen. Dream the dream. Imagine there are no limitations to stop you from visualizing your heart’s wishes for Earth. All the creative compassionate solutions pop into your head. How things can be improved and shone love onto. Attract the reality you dreamed to your frequency. Make your frequency that of your dream. Shift the slide of that reality to your current timeline. See it coming to you like a premonition. Create timelines not for karma. That no longer has a role for you. You and humanity now deserve only great things to happen to them. This what embracing the 5D is about. What living 5D is about. The 5D is here now. Ascension already started. People are tapping into it at their own pace. Release your baggage and create freely with love. Have compassion and understanding for yourself and others. Now is a great time to let go and feel what you need to feel. Acclimate to the energies upon us. Now is all. Dream the dream. 
