Manifest the Reality You Want to Be a Part of / by Alex Austin

One of my favorite sayings that keeps coming up for me is: ‘Manifest the reality you want to be a part of.’ Years ago I thought of this on much smaller scales. Like in applying the laws of attraction principle in daily life. I thought of manifesting things that usually only effected myself and those in my immediate proximity. Always keeping my intentions to serve others. Now I think of it in terms of timelines and realities many of us share and choose. I've observed many different probable future timelines talked about and available to us. I've been enjoying percolating on what reality I want to be a part of. When I hear of a strong growth of AI technology and cybernetic humans I don't disbelieve the accounts. But I don't feel coerced to be a part of it in my future. Many realities and different paths can and do take place. Fear or misthinking you have no control over things can lead you to think that fate has a certain set destination for you. Along the path of enlightenment that illusion goes by the wayside. You can still joyfully choose your own adventure if you will. See the barriers that you once thought were real in the spirit world and the physical world vanish. What kind of reality would you like to see? 

I'll share mine. With this shift of our 3D and 4D selves assimilating into this glorious 5D vibration our telepathic abilities are increasing greatly right now. We are receiving incredible downloads of love and wisdom (knowledge of the metaphysical world). As this continues, criminals will no longer be able to hide their wrong doings. Technologies will no longer be hidden from the masses. Liars will soon learn that they can't successfully lie anymore. Systems of oppression and control will be seen as they are. More and more illusions will fall away naturally. Justice, kindness, and fairness will become more than words. We will have advanced technologies available to us for health, transportation, leisure and living systems, but we keep them at arms length while we focus more on living more in touch with each other and the planet. Just the frequency is enough to bring this all about. Each reality has a frequency one can attune to. With the benefits of this higher vibration assistance from our planet and those chosen by us to assist us almost any great reality is an attainable goal. Resonate with these higher vibrations and you will see for yourself. 
