Musings of Channeling / by Alex Austin

A lot of channelers identify the consciousness of who they are channeling. I don’t all the time do that. Sometimes I do. But when I don’t know where it’s coming from I feel for the quality of its energy and frequency. I become clear on the place of guidance from a source that is loving me unconditionally. Sometimes an impression that feels questionable will leave me when I encounter and check its frequency. Those entities can’t interact with me as long as I maintain high vibrational shielding. I only focus on receiving contact from higher vibrations. I sometimes get impressions of where they are coming from. But names don’t come up. Sometimes it is like a group consciousness. I can hear the chatter of many around me on certain topics I bring up. I can tell they are far more advanced I am. I don’t feel embarrassed by my differences from them, because I know and can feel their love and admiration for me. It feels like old friends connecting. In a way I am just as advanced as they are if you follow where my future selves are. Which is also happening now. Recently a group has been sharing with me how time looks and feels from their perspective. When I experience it the way they do it’s like all time is present now. This third dimension really warps our perspective of it. It’s crazy to look so far back at yourself and just be in awe. Why am I writing these words down in particular. Am I going crazy? I feel like I don’t want to know names of these spirit friends, out some hesitation. But there are times when I know who I’m connected with. Source, the Earth, the Sun, my higher self, spirits of friends and loved ones, humans. Sometimes I know very strongly. I think if it’s of an ET origin the identity remains nebulous. I don’t think I’m ready to know names right now. I’m just at where I’m at. 

Part 2:

Another reason I relate to William Thompkins is his telepathic connection to others in the spirit realm that informed and guided him to do what he was meant to do. They filled in the blanks. Filled him in on with both why he was to do it and how. I can relate to that. I can identify now easily which other people were connected and guided by those in the spirit world. I can see it in their messages. What they knew, and how they were trying to plant seeds in the consciousness of others. In music. In songs. In movies. In television. In books. On soap bottles (Dr. Bronner). What they were truly trying to say comes across more clearly to me now. All those seeds sewn by the masters before me are blossoming now. I get it. It feels too crazy because it goes against all we were taught. Those falsehoods of this 3D world being finite, simple and all there is melt away. I feel kind of betrayed by being taught those ideas, but now is the time for forgiveness and moving on. Not everyone is awake yet. Compassion is in order. 

Forgive my rambling. It’s the solstice and I just did some energy work with the planet. Mercaba healing. Feeling connected still. To spirit. 
