I like to connect with trees a lot. If I put my hand on a tree, I can connect it very deeply. When I close my eyes I can see its connection with creation. How energy and time are connected with it. It’s like a doorway to then look at my life through a similar perspective. See the patterns of occurrences and lessons through time like a carefully orchestrated piece of music that play out over the stretch of eternity. Each one a little piece of the key to unlocking the universes mysteries. Upon being one with that, I feel nothing but extreme joy and gratitude. I’m so grateful for getting to peek behind the curtain. I know I’m surrounded by spirit guides here with me all the time. More and more my main buddy that’s with me is my higher self. He’s sharing this space with my ego more and more. I may not know the future, but I’m mega stoked on what could come. When imagination is your only limit, and have been breaking down belief systems that became unnecessary limits to your understanding of reality. You decide. You get to decide the future. This chose your own adventure, while knowing that there are no rules. Just whatever you create is what you create. So have fun with it. See what kind of rad shit you can pull off. The Tibetan chant ‘Om mani padme hum’ means seeing beyond the illusion. The vibration of that chant is designed to manifest that perception. And it works every time I do it. That perception delivers information and loving comfort every time. I since I’ve practiced meditation so much it’s not hard to go into it.