Physically Manifest Realities / Law of Attraction / by Alex Austin

I’m seeing how reality operates. How to work in harmony and go within to create. With steady heart, intention, and imagination you create. In your mind’s eye imagine what you want to be. Then let go of ‘how’ you envisioned it, but remember the feeling of satisfaction of it one day manifested. Next your higher self can get to work designing how each creation will occur in reality organically. Make a hundred wishes. Manifest them all. Believe you have infinite energy and power to manifest anything. There are ways to strengthen that power and that belief. If you believe it completely without doubt, you can manifest anything. The bigger the request the longer something can take, but if you remove that limitation from your mind you remove that limitation period. It’s now a matter of time of your frequency matching the frequency of your dream. You have to have balance and conviction. I have tested my theories and have notable experiences that back up this quantum theory. I can perceive what energy is moving in the grid around me anytime. In meditation I can generate energy, merkaba fields to boost the intention and healing power, work with Mother Earth. See where she needs healing energy directed to. I supply that energy need with love, intention and complete commitment of belief (that shoos away any doubts), so that I can be a conduit to supply enough energy. Your power is limitless. Unless you add limits in your head. The angels and your spirit guides will aid you. If you’ve come this far, now you’re ready to receive their aid and trust that they will teach you how to do it. You can bounce around around astrally and offer aid and creations to any situation you come across. If your third eye is awakened you can perceive of all that want to of the astral realm and interact with it mentally and energetically. If you clear the slate can you visualize in your mind’s eye. Watch the movie showing in your head. Control what you focus on. Send and receive information and emotions. Then you are ready to do energy work, transmutation, manifesting, manipulating timelines. Healing and raising the vibrations are always great first things to try. Acts of love have the most power and are a great way to set the tone for everything you will do next. 
