Extrasensory Perceptions / by Alex Austin

Man. It’s great to know that it's not just me receiving these new stages of enlightenment. It's all over. We're witnessing it happen all over the world now. It's exciting. I feel like I'm in school. Everyday. And just seeing all the data and connecting all the dots to come to a new understanding of reality. A firm confident understanding that washes away previously held misconceptions. I'm loving it. But it's also a little unnerving on the other side of ignorance. As it affirms how much work society has to do to keep up around us. But that's why we're here. That's part of our role.

During meditation a few days ago, in my mind’s eye I saw this huge portal with insane amounts of high energy coming out of it and going to me. I knew it was from my spirit guides to continue healing and lifting us up energetically. I'm still feeling the effects big time. Each thing I contemplate now no longer stays shrouded in mystery. When I think about something in the world now, their mysteries somehow become known to me. Like I access the energy of that person, thing, place and become informed of intention, folly, plight, what their experience is. Like when I observe news, I see behind the BS and know when we are meant to be swayed and when something resonates as true. I basically get the sensation of hearing my spirit friends weighing in on what I'm thinking about. I can't believe I'm writing this. 
