Higher Self Channeling - Ascension is a Gradual Process / by Alex Austin

This may sound controversial to many predictions that are going about lately. I feel for my reality and timeline there will be no catastrophic solar flash or a singular event that occurs. Humanity will not fall on its knees very far before it all rises to fourth and fifth densities of experience. Instead of one big burst where we all ascend at the same time it is series of pulses and bursts of energy and frequency that effect us at different rates. The first of us that awaken must hold the frequencies until the lower frequencies harmonize and catch up before we all slowly push into the next density and the next density. This is how it must work at every level of density ascension. The new paradigm will increase and the old one will vanish eventually as we come to realize our desired reality with thoughts and intentions. When this realization of power arrives at the same time you feel you are connected to all living things by source. It makes it so you can pour only a pure genuine love into all of your creative intentions. You can’t be connected to source and not feel that love. Then in that place of love is when you are allowed to create with the strongest freedom imaginable. Go ahead. Break the laws of physics. Realize your quantum creative potential. Nothing can stop the determination of a light worker at work. Also those light workers are often aided by a network of ascended masters present to support their work. You may see someone meditating by themselves and think they are alone. Just as you may think you are alone. But neither of you are alone. One of you is working in concert with their comrades in the spirit world. And the other one hasn’t figured out how to do that yet. This opening up to perceive the presence and thoughts of our spirit friends is a part of what we all will be able to do eventually. Please don’t knock those who do do this now right away. Listen and pay attention to how the message feels in your heart first. If you are skeptical that’s fine. There are of course some charlatans out there with a scary message. Keep asking yourself questions regarding all. Isn’t that how we learn and grow? Maybe there is a reason you’re reading this? Thoughts in the cosmos. 

—Alex’s Higher Self

PS Don’t get amnesia and forget that you are a light worker. 
