Vetting Contacts in the Spirit Realm / by Alex Austin

So I felt this energy when I connected to spirit that I didn’t like. I said “I am one with the Christ consciousness” three times internally. I saw a face and an ornate pentagon turned down. It was dark. I turned it until one of the points of the shape was pointing straight up (transmutation). Then in a flash everything was basking in white light. The energy I was now interacting with was pure and empowering. I saw the face of a lion appear with several ornate diamonds aligned in a diamond shaped pattern around his head. He is part of the assistance in the spirit world. I felt protected and aided. I also was aided energetically by my legion. In the astral plane I have manifested fractals of my consciousness to aid me in the astral plane. When I need to summon my legion to aid me I say “Go”, it is so. Learn more about creating and summoning your own legion here.


One quick way to vet a being contacting you in the spirit realm is say “I am one with the Christ consciousness” three times (internally or out loud). If that someone is of a lower vibration (malevolent or trickster being) they will vanish. If they are of pure intentions they will remain, and your communication will continue. Have conviction and this will work.

Part 2:

Since last notes my parked car just was struck by a drunk driver while I was standing a foot away from it. I’m fine. The police came. They took the poor girl to jail, and took her badly damaged car. She would have left if it was still operable. I dealt with making a claim and arranging a tow home. While I was waiting for the tow truck driver, this belligerent drunk entered my space. His vibration was off. I was searching for the courage to tell him quite frankly to move along. When I deemed his threat level was low, I stood so he was not in my view. He was behind my back, and I was ignoring him. I thought to myself if I ignore him he’ll go away. Then I thought we are of such different vibration frequencies, so it might be better we phased into our own realities that aren’t a part of each other’s. I heard a car coming and looked. He was gone. I couldn’t see where he went. One minute he was ten feet away from me. The next minute he was gone. I had high visibility for a long distance in several directions. He was untraceable. As if a phantom, he vanished. This is not the first time I have seen things like this happen. I suspect I was successful in an intentional reality/timeline shift.
