Claircognizance, Telepathy and Other Metaphysical Abilities / by Alex Austin

Yesterday my son Elvis and I went for an evening walk. It was dusk, and dark by the time we got back. We saw five deer along the way that we admired, talked about and talked to. We were honored to be in their presence. When we got to a park where I meditate very often when I’m alone, I kind of tested his intuitive perceptions. I asked him about what kind of impression three particular trees gave him. Did any personalities come through. He said he felt the first tree on the right felt orange. Then cyan, then purple. I knew we was talking about energy colors. Then I told him about my personality impressions. Which were they were very friendly and loving, had big personalities, personality-wise reminded me of the Beatles, one I called Ringo, one I called George, and one I called John. Elvis was standing right in between the trees which were forming a triangle around him, where I normally stand to meditate and do energy work during full moons. I asked him what do you feel right there. He said “um, healing the Earth or something like that”. I then told him “I have stood on that very spot and my intention during meditation was towards healing the Earth and all who are on it. Many times. You picked up on that. You are empathic and telepathic, and you perceived the work I have been doing here.” His mind was blown (pleasantly). We talked some more about telepathy. I answered some of his questions. Talked about energy protection, which he already knows about. I did some (quicker than I usually do) energy work before we moved on. We continued on our walk and admired and interacted with the deer. We also saw a beautiful gray fox. At the end of our walk I said “Don’t forget what you can do. You are telepathic and empathic. Pretty cool? Huh?” Good times. 
