Discernment / by Alex Austin

Regarding the Q transmissions, I have some thoughts. Remember how Corey Goode described a treaty discussions with the negative beings around humanity’s freedom and disclosure? That those negative beings had a staunch stance for a controlled drip of disclosure to the public? About a year ago I heard someone’s channeling transmission from source that said Q was began by benevolent reptilians, but then taken over by negative ones. I had a real resistance to that notion for a while. But as I have been observing, meditating, contemplating and discerning, my view has expanded to think maybe that’s true. In my journey working on improving my own levels of spirituality and enlightenment I have come to see what I need to release to grow into my higher evolved self. And I’ve witnessed people around me awakening spiritually with very similar notes to mine regarding our realizations about reality and our place in the cosmos. We are like antennas and are receiving transmissions from the spirit world that are very informative. There is nothing you can’t know the truth about with practiced meditation. With that said, back to the Q transmissions. There is an unveiling of truths, which is exciting. But it is a slow curated drip, and much of it incites anger, a sense of righteous injustice. Which is fine and understandable. But this gleeful call for capital punishment, blood for blood, us verses them doesn’t feel right. This dualism has a low vibrational charge to it. We do need to process what has happened for sure. But remember mind control to pit us against each other and lower our way of thinking has been a tool implemented on us for a long time. I feel along with these spoonfuls of information there is something there to lower our vibrations too. Knock us down a peg spiritually. If you go inward the enlightened path looks a little different. Celebrate the leaks of truth, but I think this is part of that slow drip that Corey Goode was talking about. We want the dam to break and have it all on the table. This drip doesn’t feel satisfying to us because it isn’t what we want. We want more. As we continue to transition this phase into higher densities as we are now, all of the truths will just be known by all. We won’t be waiting for someone to save us. Which we shouldn’t do that anyway. If you want something done, add your love, strength and intentions into the human collective consciousness. Realize your quantum creative potential. That is where the real work needs to be done. And all us can do that. 

I heard a funny but great quote on the radio this morning from the DJ. The quote was this. 

“Second rate minds reject that which is beyond their comprehension.” 

—Immanuel Kant
