If you’re an empath. And you are an empath. Everyone has the capacity to increase what they perceive empathically or ignore it. Like I was saying. If you’re an empath you’re reading and feeling energy. There’s a lot of information within energy. There are stories of information. When you peruse the energies you can access many levels.
Read MoreIt's a knowing /
I am multidimensional. We all are. All that I perceive is a perspective through a lens of my consciousness. It is colored by my auric soul self and frequency. The more I am able to release old ways of thinking, new ways of thinking roll in. Walls are coming down. Barriers of knowing myself are melting. My true self is emerging.
Read MoreBathed in light /
Being a telepath, an empath, and so much more, I am drawn to spend much time alone in nature. It where I can ground and focus my attention. I can focus on the now moment. It is there that I can allow in the transmissions, energy, and guidance from the higher planes. I can feel into my presence. I can feel the mental presence of higher entities making themselves known to me.
Read MoreFull moon meditation note /
Yesterday I felt very strong energies moving through all of us and Gaia. It was like another cosmic shift. An up leveling. I felt a heaviness and high tension in my body. I felt led to lie down. When I laid down and relaxed, all the tension pain went away and I felt an energetic healing occurring within and around me.
Read MoreAll you need is within you /
To the newly awakened individuals it is a little hard to sit with the knowing that many truths about who we really are was intentionally hidden by those who architected our society as a whole. It was in the interest of those few or many that we felt small and powerless by hiding our power from us. Misdirection and gas lighting kept us from discovering who we are.
Read MoreWhat your future selves can teach you /
Okay. I was just thinking about how when I observed information from certain people, not only could I feel if it resonated to be true, but processing the information sparked connections with a deeper landscape of knowing that I had within me. When I thought of the stories of experiences with the Philadelphia project and Montauk project it sparked another thought form.
Read MoreThe power of beliefs /
We create our own reality with our beliefs. What we believe to be possible. What we believe we worthy of. A few months ago I made a friend with someone who happened to be homeless. We bonded quite a bit. Our conversations got real deep at times. We definitely kept up with each other. I actually feel that he is an ascended master. At any rate he was facing some paranoia at times.
Read MoreChanneling spirit guides — Streams of energy /
Today my spirit guides asked me to describe what I see with my third eye. I share what I see both clairvoyantly and claircognitively. I also gain access to the perspective of my other selves. The transcription is below.
Read MoreChanneling spirit guides — Looking within the merkaba field /
I’ve been channeling my spirit guides for a few years now. Largely the content in all my published meditation notes has been channeled information. This is my second video recording of me channeling my spirit guides. I hope you enjoy this video. The transcription of it is below the video.
Read MoreChanneling spirit guides — Heart centered healing /
I’ve been channeling for a few years now. Largely the content in all my published meditation notes has been channeled information. This is my very first video recording of me channeling my spirit guides.
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