We are consciously merging with our higher selves. As we do so there is the part where we surrender the ego self’s hold of our consciousness. The ego is not to be judged or punished for any of its past. We wrestle the steering wheel from the clutching fingers of ego. We surrender. Then more of all of who we truly and eternally are can come in and guide us. This is one of the benefits of surrender. You give yourself a chance for your higher self to come forward. Your higher self knows more, sees more, remembers more, heals more, loves more.
Read MoreFocus on frequencies /
If you focus enough in meditation on any one thing you can choose a different script, alchemize the quantum configuration, or choose another timeline. Sometimes there are just things to learn from what you focus on. Sometimes surrendering to what is and let it teach you a deeper story is the way. We all have amnesia to the history of our consciousness.
Read MoreEmbrace your feelings with compassion /
After I grounded and formed the Merkaba field I checked in with myself to see what should be acknowledged next. All my recent worries, stresses, and concerns popped up. I felt guided to pour unconditional love energy into each one. One at a time. As I took a breath or two to process each one, I felt the feeling. Then I embraced each of those feelings with compassionate love.
Read MoreNavigate with your heart /
To navigate with your heart is so much easier. It guides you to sense how you feel about everything. You can say no to or ignore what doesn’t resonate. Then the choices that involve a synchronicity or a passionate feeling can be entertained more. When you are paying attention to how you feel on an energetic and emotional level it helps you to see past illusions in life.
Read MoreBlue moon time /
Upon the completion of my special full blue moon energy healing meditation for Gaia and all upon her… Many things came through. I grounded. I cleared my energy. I cultivated new energy from the cosmos. I generated a merkaba field. As I chanted holding that field in my mind’s eye I saw a large giant sized human shaped form of energy rise from the ground and enveloped me. If I can remember correctly these words came fourth.
Read MoreBe of service /
During my morning meditation today I verbally channeled my spirit guides. Sometimes that happens more and more. Sometimes the words just pop into my head, and write them down as they flow through me. Other times the words just come out of my mouth. Each time it happens I am in a state of bliss, and am flooded with their higher emotions.
Read MoreNotable Changes /
I can report some notable changes in me. There is less internal conflict. My ego self fought as I released older concepts, misconceptions, paradigms, theories, belief systems, resentments, polarized stances, and past traumas. I wanted to release all those things. It was necessary to heal and prepare for what’s next. My ego self didn’t fight it all the way. It just starts out that way.
Read MoreAuthentic Choices /
I have felt very different to those in my immediate surroundings for the duration of my life. From childhood to now. There has always been a narrative that you’ll be happiest if you can fit in and be part of a community. That has been the most highly recommended path to happiness. I have tried many times to join communities of various kinds. I have both failed and succeeded at this.
Read MoreWhat is free will /
Free will is said to be a universal law. The higher one’s consciousness is raised the more it is acknowledged and adhered to. For oneself and others. Imagine all of humanity eventually doing so. What does that look like? In this life we’ve been raised to be obedient to people, causes, dogmas, and ideas. We’ve felt obligated to such things.
Read MoreMultiple Existence /
For some reincarnation is debatable. Even Christianity used to teach it. They removed it from their teachings at around 400 AD. My grandmother Ruby had books about reincarnation by and for Christians. For me it is no longer debatable, and now a no-longer-forgotten memory.
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