If you realize that you are a creator and programmer of the reality around you. Quantumly speaking. How to support others becomes clear. How to program your reality in a way that’s beneficial to all. Being kind hearted is part of the equation. Believe in yourself. Believe in your own personal connection with source. The answers will come. Let go of who you were.
Read MorePhysically Manifest Realities / Law of Attraction /
I’m seeing how reality operates. How to work in harmony and go within to create. With steady heart, intention, and imagination you create. In your mind’s eye imagine what you want to be. Then let go of ‘how’ you envisioned it, but remember the feeling of satisfaction of it one day manifested. Next your higher self can get to work designing how each creation will occur in reality organically.
Read MoreThe Law of Attraction /
I happened to be in the right place in the right time. I allowed it to happen. Use the guidance. Trust the guidance from my higher self. My car was totaled. I got a certain amount for it. I saw a car that appealed to me within that price. It took me 20 seconds to find it on Craigslist. In a way it’s a step closer to what I want in my ideal vehicle.
Read MoreClaircognizance, Telepathy and Other Metaphysical Abilities /
Yesterday my son Elvis and I went for an evening walk. It was dusk, and dark by the time we got back. We saw five deer along the way that we admired, talked about and talked to. We were honored to be in their presence. When we got to a park where I meditate very often when I’m alone, I kind of tested his intuitive perceptions. I asked him about what kind of impression three particular trees...
Read MoreVetting Contacts in the Spirit Realm /
So I felt this energy when I connected to spirit that I didn’t like. I said “I am one with the Christ consciousness” three times internally. I saw a face and an ornate pentagon turned down. It was dark. I turned it until one of the points of the shape was pointing straight up (transmutation). Then in a flash everything was basking in white light. The energy I was now interacting with was pure...
Read MoreJesus / Christ Consciousness /
Each time I’ve connected with the entity that is basically Jesus I have felt the presence of an older hippie brother who’s primary messages to me were that he was about bucking the system, and informing humanity to the reality that as much as he is God we are God. Each of us. The potential for Christ consciousness awakening in anyone is there.
Read MoreQuantum Manifestation /
Each of us is creating our own reality producing an individual timeline. They intersect. It explains any witness to reality magic. We create our own realities. Our thoughts become things. We are responsible for how great they (our realities) are. Lift them (your realities) up with the knowledge that if you can create any reality you choose you will learn to enhance your creations with love...
Read MoreLavish Synchronicities /
Today I had an uber synchronistic day. We were walking from two different directions on the same block and came to the same corner at the same time. That’s how I ran into my good friend Jesse Prejean who’s a very talented energy healer. I was just thinking about him, and wanted reach out to him. As we jumped into a lively metaphysical conversation, we witnessed a butterfly appear and fly...
Read MoreKundalini State /
I am remembering who I really am more and more and retaining it more and more. I’m learning to go with the flow and be an observer of the present. Absorb the energy vibration of the present. Feel all the emotions, and thoughts course through me. Celebrate them. Accept them. Release them. Strip away more and more of the belief systems that have been hindering me.
Read MoreThe Akashic Records /
I have used visiting the Akashic records in the astral plane with success. Everything of our past and this planet’s past has been recorded in the ether in the Akashic records. The instructions and prayer in this video will help you to access it. You should have a sensation of leaving your physical body. There is a silver cord at the belly button that connects your astral self to your physical...
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