Holding Space and Frequency for Those Who Will Eventually Awaken by Alex Austin

Some of us are already ascending and ascended in that their/our 4th and 5th density selves are already awake/active/cognizant while still holding space in the third density. The third density reality rules have less meaning to them. If the illusions of the third density are starting to melt away for you, you have begun to ascend.

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Passed Loved Ones Connection by Alex Austin

I had a cosmic reunion with Jae (my college friend who passed away). We talked about that student film of mine we shot. The nature of the film. I was playing the one who died. He was the character that was alive seeing his dead friend by the train tracks that he died on. The characters were communicating between the physical plane and the astral plane of existence. That was just a student film.

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UFO Sightings by Alex Austin

During WWII (while my grandfather was fighting in Europe) my grandmother temporarily lived in Jacksonville. We were Bay Area Westcoasters. She told me about seeing cigar shaped and other very strange shaped UFOs often during that time. It mostly was during the day, and many people would gather outside and talk about them.

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Connect to Spirit by Alex Austin

I think some of the hard emotions I’m going through right now are a catalyst that’s releasing something for me. And maybe that will prepare me for the next thing. Make it possible. Sometimes the linear build up has to follow a particular order to effect your reality. Breadcrumbs to a path you are creating right now. This linear view of time and reality is an illusion. Because all is now.

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Acknowledgement by Alex Austin

I want to acknowledge my mother. She has been great to me. Since I was a baby she was such an incredible role model. She passed all of her intuitive wisdom to me. As soon as she had pearls of wisdom she shared them with me. I don’t think if my parents stayed together she would have felt free to parent me in the style that she did. She wanted to live her truth and live...

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Beyond the Illusions - True Freedom by Alex Austin

I want to talk about an evolving perception of reality. I might have a deeper understanding of all this a month from now. What most people have represented as their findings on how to define our reality to be up until now has been false or limited either by intentional omission or being brainwashed themselves. I understand now why the flat earthers are around.

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Higher Self Channeling - Karma and Relatability by Alex Austin

Alex you are experiencing that of which you resonate with. If your frequencies effect so much of your experience, raising them should always be a priority. And the reason behind your past experiences should become clear to you now. Much of the negative ones were entrenched with karma, but there is a bigger picture to it as well.

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Discernment by Alex Austin

Regarding the Q transmissions, I have some thoughts. Remember how Corey Goode described a treaty discussions with the negative beings around humanity’s freedom and disclosure? That those negative beings had a staunch stance for a controlled drip of disclosure to the public?

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