Integration of Dark Verses Light by Alex Austin

As an empath I was just thinking about remaining neutral or shielding myself from what I would call negative feelings or impulses. Then the following thoughts came through. When it comes to what I would deem negative, dark or lower vibrational thoughts or beings. By classifying them as such can imply judgment. Now I use those terms merely as reference as to be understood.

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About These Meditation Notes by Alex Austin

I think I’ve been experiencing a slow gradual spiritual awakening since I was a child. Each new awareness would level up the depth of my understanding. I could take an inventory of my journey, and examine each of the ‘aha’ moments. I sometimes do that, by the way. While those ‘aha’ moments were enlightening, I was still often clouded by learned belief systems.

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4/4 Mass Meditation by Alex Austin

Whoa. I just participated in a 4.4.2020 mass meditation, and whoa. That was amazing. I could feel the presence of all the other grid workers and light workers working in unison. First I grounded, activated my torsion field, opened up my chakra points, and generated a huge merkaba field. I then made several declarations on my healing manifestations, energy transmutations...

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Gratitude in the Face of Whatever by Alex Austin

As I did my regular morning Earthing, grounding, merkaba field generation, and earth grid energy work, I felt so naturally high. I felt so much comfort and unconditional love poring through me. Of course this enables me to do the energy work that I share with the planet and collective, but now I’m noticing it is becoming more and more my natural state of being.

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Power of Free Will by Alex Austin

Don’t act like you believe anyone else has control of your destiny. Your higher self is building your timelines, and your free will allows you to choose which ones to resonate to. Use your imagination more than ever now. What new amazing realities do you want to create and share with everyone? How can you bring love and joy to those around you? Compassion is an art form we can all master.

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Harmony between the Higher Self and the Ego by Alex Austin

We need to learn to be kind to the ego. It is learning that it sitting on the surface of a much greater part of a whole. That whole is everything. Beyond the ego is your higher self. Your higher self has the awareness of who you’ve been, who you will be, and all the secrets of the spirit world. Learn to let your higher self come forward. Let the knowing begin. Let the healing begin.

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Law of Attraction by Alex Austin

The law of attraction is about love and playing in higher dimensions of reality. Your imagination is linked with the fifth dimension. Dream it and it will come. Don’t worry about how it will happen. Let your higher self sweat the details. Let what we know about logic and physics be circumvented. Belief without doubt wrapped in unconditional love ensures success.

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Third Eye Sight by Alex Austin

Some of that consciousness energy we see and encounter is connected to form and some is not. When focusing through the third eye properly you can see the patterns of energy. We are being bombarded and cleansed by incredibly intense energies right now. Ground with Mother Earth as much as possible to get the most benefit. You are never alone. We are with you always. We love you. We love you.

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Focus on Your Goals by Alex Austin

Doubts melt away just now of what I’ll accomplish. I just proved I can push through the night like Martha Stewart to accomplish what I want. I CAN DO a Herculean effort of creative work. The thought “can I do it all?” comes up. Usually I wince at the answer I have. Now the answer is yes. When I can hire people to help me I will. In the meantime I will do it all. Like a spiders web. Take my time.

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2020 Looking Forward by Alex Austin

You know how birds know when to turn all at once. That’s how it works. Tap into what others are saying in the cosmos. Tap into what that other consciousness is conveying to you. Know that you are all connected. You can feel what’s coming. We’re all coming to that aha moment. Love, connection, abundance, heaven on Earth is resonating with us.

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