Ascension by Alex Austin

Nobody is not ascending. To the new elevated realities. At our own pace. Some individuals by their intuition are understanding a little sooner what our new awareness is telling us. What this new reality can be and how we can take steps to aid it’s quantum creation. How we can be healers, leaders, teachers, supporters and way-showers. It’s all in the present moment.

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Receiving by Alex Austin

Observe the intuitive hits you receive. Pay attention to the suggestions, information and inclinations you’re receiving. These come both from your higher self and your spirit guides. If you go within properly there is nothing you can’t know. When you are fully present in the now you can access any information in the cosmos. Because you are the cosmos.

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Spiritual Evolution by Alex Austin

Our current state on Earth right now is like we’re nearing a state of mental development where we’ll soon be ready to accept the existence of extraterrestrials. Think of how on Star Trek they have a prime directive to not interfere or communicate with developing planetary cultures that is until they are ready for such contact. That is how it is.

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My Meditation Practice: Grounding, Torsion Field Activation, Merkaba Field Generation, Kundalini Activation by Alex Austin

To those who don’t consider themselves as expert meditators, I recommend spending some time warming up with some breath work techniques before you begin this meditation. Box breathing technique can be a good one to start with. Spend a few minutes slowly filling your lungs with as much air as possible. Count to a number in your head until your lungs are at capacity.

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The Collective Human Consciousness by Alex Austin

I trust those that have achieved consciousness of oneness with source among the collective consciousness group of humans. We know our mission. Intentions of kindness are inherent. We know it is a dream, and we can dream the right path for us for the best outcomes. Future blessings. Conscious curation collaboration between the higher self and the ego. Trust your higher self.

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We Are One by Alex Austin

You and I are different aspects of source energy / God experiencing unique perspectives of the now. So to do a good deed to you comes naturally as it is a kindness to source. To let source know you acknowledge it in action. Boundless compassion and love envelope you. To know that everything is connected to source energy empowers giving all a free pass and love. Transmute the dark to light.

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Channeling - Gift of Perspective by Alex Austin

We love you. We are proud of you. We are astonished by your progress. You are a light bringer, a way shower, a miracle in human form. We love you. You have shown patience and perseverance in the face of incredible challenges. Judge yourself not. Give yourself accolades because you deserve them. You are so open to learning the truths of spiritual enlightenment and shedding that which does not...

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Unfolding Affirmation by Alex Austin

I am a student and teacher of Tibetan metaphysics, extrasensory perception, astral projection, shaman energy work, sacred geometry, the kundalini experience, navigating the forth and fifth density realities. As you navigate the forth and fifth density realities the third density reality is of less consequence (both cognitively and literally). It will become what you want it to be.

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