If we can (and I believe we can) make generosity of spirit contagious we can move mountains. Any voices telling you that you can’t do something are illusions. Challenge any voice that tells you you can’t do something, if you want to do it of course. We hope you don’t become entertainment to those who think you easily provoked.
Read MoreAwareness Beyond the Physical Senses /
After much research into all things metaphysical, after my dreams of other lives lived (where I thought and spoke in a language I’ve never heard, but I know it was Mayan and I was fully telepathic. I could know everyone’s thoughts and feelings around me. I forgave them of their ill intentions), after my precognitive visions, after my dreams that others in the dreams remembered the same...
Read MoreEnlightenment /
It’s all about enlightenment. That’s what I want. That’s what Jesus thought, pursued then taught. That’s what Buddha thought, pursued then taught. I’ve absorbed wisdom from Tibetan lamas’ teachings, shamans’ teachings, the esoterics of Egypt and around the world. Much of what they teach is the same but from each a unique perspective.
Read MoreAwareness Affirmation /
What do I mean by seeing that the emperor is wearing no clothes? When we tap into our new awarenesses of our higher selves, those who we once thought held power over us no longer have any power over us. It was all an illusion. It was just an idea that was somehow ascribed to. But that idea no longer has the power at all. It is being replaced with new ideas from the spirit world. From us.
Read MoreHolding Space and Frequency /
I know why I do not trust the media, taught history and science, religious dogma, current assumptions in general. Because of my experiences. I am trusting my understanding of my experiences and my intuition. Through a miraculous appearance of a tear in my retina I have ever greater clarity in waking visions.
Read MoreLion’s Gate Portal Energies Assessment /
I looked at the clock when it was 1:11pm on August 8th (8:8). Time for the opening of the lion’s gate portal energies coming from beyond to us through the Earth. Auspicious energies are afoot. Right now. Can you feel it? An elevation of frequency is raising everywhere. Everything is leveling up. We’re processing hard emotions. I feel it in my bones. I’m shifting into a higher and higher frequency.
Read MoreAwareness of Spirit /
I’m grateful for this life. It’s a beautiful thing. I feel like a rock star playing his part. If the universe is watching (which it is) give ‘em a good show. May your day rock my friend. You ever feel like the universe is watching you? But it’s looking at you through love goggles and a sense of awe. Now feel comforted in a way to choose what version of you you want to share with the universe?
Read MoreSupport for People with Psychic Abilities /
I’m thinking of starting a twelve step meeting group for people with psychic abilities. Maybe I’ll write twelve steps that correlate to people in that group. I just think it would be helpful for people going through this to talk with others in the same boat. It could help everyone be better at their abilities and understand them more too.
Read MoreMetaphysical Abilities Affirmation / Merkaba Field Generation /
For decades now I practiced to do this. I can send and receive telepathic communications with people at long distances. If I open myself up I can receive transmissions of thought from many sources. My higher self, passed away loved ones, ascended masters, animals, trees, people, spirits. All of the above. If I become one with the present moment I can sense the different transmissions around me...
Read MoreKundalini Experience Takeaways /
When I think of creatures in the animal and plant kingdom now, I think very differently of them than I used to. I no longer think of them as lower creatures. No matter their size I instinctively feel like they are my equals in certain respects. Just because they don’t speak human vocal languages doesn’t mean they don’t deserve our respect.
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